After I have importing an excel file my report is reading a code field like there is a value in every record when there are thousands of blanks how can I sort this problem.
Hi easyit,
Sorry I didn't explain properly, The file has 23 thousand staff records not all of them has a code number beside there name which is the way it should be. But the table is saying that although the code field for some are blank that there is a value in there. There is a date field in the table too and if I copy all the blank records from that and copy them to the blanks in the code field then I can have a proper count of the staff who have been coded. I think it is a "Is dirty" issue. I hope I have explained it better now.
why don't you post the SQL of queries 1 & 2, maybe someone can help you figure out how to do it in a single query. A "visual" of the table and your expected results can also be extremely useful in assisting you.
Anything worth doing is a lot more difficult than it's worth - Unknown Induhvidual
Hi Les,
There are 8641 records in "tblacuteservices" that do not have a code number if I click in any of those blank fields and filter by selection I will only get 1 record. For some reason the table thinks that every record has a value in the code field. Here are the SQL'S:
Query 1
SELECT tblacuteservices.Directorate, tblacuteservices.StaffGroup, tblacuteservices.PayNumber, tblacuteservices.Code, tblacuteservices.Left
FROM tblacuteservices
WHERE (((tblacuteservices.Code)<>"") AND ((tblacuteservices.Left)=""));
Directorate StaffGroup PayNumber Code Left
Medical Nursing (Tr.) G0807397 N1000
Medical Nursing (Untr.) G5931169 N1001
Medical Nursing (Untr.) G5808448 N1001
Query 2
SELECT tblacuteservices.Directorate AS Division, tblacuteservices.StaffGroup AS [Staff Category], Count(tblacuteservices.PayNumber) AS TotalStaff, tblacuteservices.Left
FROM tblacuteservices
GROUP BY tblacuteservices.Directorate, tblacuteservices.StaffGroup, tblacuteservices.Left
HAVING (((tblacuteservices.Left)=""));
SELECT qryacuteservicesreport2.Division, qryacuteservicesreport2.[Staff Category], qryacuteservicesreport2.TotalStaff, Count(qryacuteservicesreport1.Code) AS SCode
FROM qryacuteservicesreport2 LEFT JOIN qryacuteservicesreport1 ON (qryacuteservicesreport2.Division = qryacuteservicesreport1.Directorate) AND (qryacuteservicesreport2.[Staff Category] = qryacuteservicesreport1.StaffGroup)
GROUP BY qryacuteservicesreport2.Division, qryacuteservicesreport2.[Staff Category], qryacuteservicesreport2.TotalStaff;
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