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blank space validation 1

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Apr 17, 2001
A long time ago, I saw a post (that I can't find now) about someone wanting to validate against all blank spaces in their fields... they had done it by using a huge, ugly, long if comparison..

if ((myvar == ' ') || (myvar == ' ') || (myvar == ' ')...) ect.

I was really busy at the time, so I didn't write a response, but I found myself needing the same routine this morning and thought I'd share my solution... (I'll make it a faq after it gets the inevitable polish from you guys... :)

form1 = document.forms[0];
myvar = form1.myfield.value ;

if (myvar.length == 0){
   alert('Please enter a Description');
   return false;
} else if (myvar.length > 0){
   spaces = '';
   for(var i = 0; i < 20; i++){ //20, an arbitrary setting
	spaces = spaces + ' ';
	if (myvar==spaces){			
	    alert('all spaces');
	    return false;

return true;

I tried using a myvar.charCodeAt(i) and looking at each character and setting a flag if all were spaces (32) but for some reason, I couldn't compare against that value... &quot;if (myvar.charCodeAt(i)== 32) &quot; would always show true!? (ie 6)

that still only validates against a single blank... I had lazy feild-techs entering 2-3 spaces to get around my validation! :)

a helpful reference though on the radio buttons and such!

Oups...sorry, didn't see the &quot;ALL&quot; blank spaces...


Have Fun...

Sharky99 >:):O>
hahaha, np, that is a useful site! I can't believe my techs would sit there and hit space repetedly to see how many spaces I was checking for to avoid writing a small description... kinda like the velociraptors in Jurassic Park... just keep hitting that electric fence! hahahah :)
Has anybody heard of regular expressions??
var re=/^\s*$/;
if (re.test(form1.myfield.value))
 alert(&quot;You didn't fill out the form correctly, you idiot&quot;);
actually no. hahaha learn something new everyday...
Nice Uniment worth a star... ;-)
Have Fun...

Sharky99 >:):O>
If U want to trim what user enters in the textbox use this:

form1.myfield.value=(form1.myfield.value).replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, &quot;&quot;)

This will trim the blank spaces on either side of the text entered..


Ya, I don't come from a traditional programming background, so I hadn't come across them yet. That's a big help... it's still confusing to read to me, but I printed out the syntax reference I have and I'm sure it'll just take some getting used to.

Thanks a bunch

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