I have the weirdest situation in Crystal 8.
3646621 million rows of data are getting chugged through. The report runs the amount of time it should run, it cycles through the amount of data it should, but, when it’s done, it does not show any data on the page. You also can't cycle through the pages either as if the report didn't have any pages except the first. The groupings are on the left, but when you try to expand them or drill down into them you can't. When you click on a group it says "generating group tree" but then it just doesn't do anything and no drill down occurs.
The report has PLENTY of data, but it’s as if it just decides to give up processing. My gut would have normally of told me to blame it on memory, or the amount of data, but get this....
If I run this report with ANY month long date range BEFORE 4/1/2006, the report RUNS JUST GREAT!!! If I run 2/1/2006 to 2/28/2006, its fine, if I run 3/1/2006 to 3/31/2006, it runs fine. If you run 4/1/2006-4/30/2006, it craps out and displays a blank page. Get this; it chugs through the exact same amount of data when it does those months!!! 5/1/2006 – 5/31/2006, 6/1/2006 – 6/30/2006 also do NOT work.
Here are my guesses:
1. Something in the data changed after 4/1 that the users aren't able to tell me about. I’ve asked and asked and asked and they don’t know of any changes.
2. Crystal Reports is corrupted and needs to be reinstalled.
3. Run this in a newer version to see what happens. I'm waiting for my company to get me some disks.
4. Something on machine that Crystal is running on is messed up. Re-build the machine?
I can’t do guesses 2, 3 nor 4 just yet, while number 1 keeps getting me know where since the users aren’t telling me anything is different, and I can’t find anything in the data to indicate the data is different.
Does anyone have any other ideas? Any suggestions?
3646621 million rows of data are getting chugged through. The report runs the amount of time it should run, it cycles through the amount of data it should, but, when it’s done, it does not show any data on the page. You also can't cycle through the pages either as if the report didn't have any pages except the first. The groupings are on the left, but when you try to expand them or drill down into them you can't. When you click on a group it says "generating group tree" but then it just doesn't do anything and no drill down occurs.
The report has PLENTY of data, but it’s as if it just decides to give up processing. My gut would have normally of told me to blame it on memory, or the amount of data, but get this....
If I run this report with ANY month long date range BEFORE 4/1/2006, the report RUNS JUST GREAT!!! If I run 2/1/2006 to 2/28/2006, its fine, if I run 3/1/2006 to 3/31/2006, it runs fine. If you run 4/1/2006-4/30/2006, it craps out and displays a blank page. Get this; it chugs through the exact same amount of data when it does those months!!! 5/1/2006 – 5/31/2006, 6/1/2006 – 6/30/2006 also do NOT work.
Here are my guesses:
1. Something in the data changed after 4/1 that the users aren't able to tell me about. I’ve asked and asked and asked and they don’t know of any changes.
2. Crystal Reports is corrupted and needs to be reinstalled.
3. Run this in a newer version to see what happens. I'm waiting for my company to get me some disks.
4. Something on machine that Crystal is running on is messed up. Re-build the machine?
I can’t do guesses 2, 3 nor 4 just yet, while number 1 keeps getting me know where since the users aren’t telling me anything is different, and I can’t find anything in the data to indicate the data is different.
Does anyone have any other ideas? Any suggestions?