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Blank Messages with Mailing List

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Jun 16, 2000

Could anybody help fathom what's wrong with this code, it's causing headache for me. It has been sending mails for almost one year to a mailing list of around 5,000. To my amazement the mails sent today contains no body as in the mails are blank. PLeaseeeeeeeeeee what could be the problem. Is it advisable to move this whole thing to a stored procedure on SQL Server. Becos it takes heaven to sent 5,000 mails in 30 mins

Code is Shown below
<% @Language=&quot;VBScript&quot;%>
<% Option Explicit%>
Response.Buffer = True
'declare all local variables

dim dcnDB 'As ADO.Connection
dim strSQL 'As String
Dim Mymail 'As CDONTS component
Dim rs 'As recordset 2
dim Message_Title
Dim Message_Body
Dim Email
Dim Kount
Dim lastprocid
Dim Table
Dim name
'Create the Connection Object

Set dcnDB = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
dcnDB.ConnectionString = &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;&quot;_
& &quot;Data Source=\\premfs5\sites\premium10\oysterbar\Database\success.mdb&quot;


'Create the recordset object

If Request.QueryString(&quot;lastProc&quot;) <> &quot;&quot; Then

strSQL = &quot;SELECT Top 100 * FROM Mailinglist WHERE ID > &quot; & Request.QueryString(&quot;lastProc&quot;) & &quot; ORDER BY ID&quot;
lastprocid = Request.QueryString(&quot;lastProc&quot;) + 100

strSQL = &quot;SELECT TOP 100 * FROM Mailinglist ORDER BY ID&quot;
lastprocid = 100
Response.Cookies(&quot;Title&quot;) = Request.Form(&quot;Category_Title&quot;)
Response.Cookies(&quot;Message&quot;) = Request.Form(&quot;Category_Message&quot;)

End If

Set rs = dcnDB.Execute(StrSQL)

'Message_Title = Request.Form(&quot;Category_Title&quot;)
'Message_Body = Request.Form(&quot;Category_Message&quot;)

If rs.EOF Then
name = Request.Cookies(&quot;name&quot;)
Response.Redirect &quot;sendmessage3.asp?Name=&quot; & Name &&quot;&quot;
End if

Do While NOT rs.EOF

Set myMail = CreateObject(&quot;CDONTS.NewMail&quot;)
myMail.From = &quot;successpower@samadeyemi.org&quot;
myMail.To = rs(&quot;email1&quot;)
myMail.Subject = Request.Cookies(&quot;Title&quot;)
myMail.BodyFormat = 0
myMail.MailFormat = 0
myMail.Body = Request.Cookies(&quot;Message&quot;)
'Replace(Message_Body, &quot;&&quot;&&quot;, &quot;)


Thanks a bunch

Oysterbar ride to success. Keep Riding
Did you try doing a response.write on request.form(&quot;Category_Message&quot;) to see if anything is coming over? Can I ask why you are writing a cookie and then requesting the same cookie for the Body of your message? Also, you probably know this already but bodyformat=0 and mailformat=0 is for sending html.
You are setting Response.Cookies(&quot;Message&quot;) = Request.form(&quot;Category_Message&quot;), then you set the body of your message with myMail.Body = Request.Cookies(&quot;Message&quot;).

Why not just set myMail.Body = request(&quot;Category_Message&quot;)?

I'm writing to the cookies because this pages refreshes itself so after the first time, the request.Form(element) goes away and it becomes blank. but if i request from the cookie, i could always get the info after the refresh.


Oysterbar ride to success. Keep Riding
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