Not exactly. You probably could use the replace command. I am assuming that there would be two carriage returns in a row. So something like this Replace({memofield},chr(13)+chr(13),chr(13)). I have not tried this.
I agree with kray4660's, in that it will work as long as the blank line arises because of consecutive chr(13) characters. The problem is it could also be due to consecutive chr(10) characters (and I think there are others that also have a similar affect), or even one of each. It could be further complicated by having 1 or more spaces between them. The only way to reliably deal with this is to first determine what is causing the blank line.
I am guessing that the data is being entered manually into the system by the users, in which case you will be dealing with wildly inconsistent approaches. Probably better to just accept the data the way it is and work on educating the users (good luck with that).
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