There appears to be bug within the version of Crystal Reports I am using when it comes to inserting a picture within the report. I am currently using version 10.
The issue is that the image disapears just leaving the placeholder. I tried printing the report with the blank placeholder, but the image does not print.
The wierd thing is, is that if I insert the image and save the report, the report will retain the image. However, the issue arises when I re-open the report to re-edit it. I can re-insert the image to overcome this issue, but there are several images dotted all over the place so this can become a bit of an inconvenience.
To assist, I am importing a bmp file. The image is provided with the correct dimension so I do not have to adjust the image once inserted.
I have noticed, looking through through the threads, that other people have experienced simualars issues but I could not find one that was resolved.
Should you require more information then please give us shout.
Thank you
There appears to be bug within the version of Crystal Reports I am using when it comes to inserting a picture within the report. I am currently using version 10.
The issue is that the image disapears just leaving the placeholder. I tried printing the report with the blank placeholder, but the image does not print.
The wierd thing is, is that if I insert the image and save the report, the report will retain the image. However, the issue arises when I re-open the report to re-edit it. I can re-insert the image to overcome this issue, but there are several images dotted all over the place so this can become a bit of an inconvenience.
To assist, I am importing a bmp file. The image is provided with the correct dimension so I do not have to adjust the image once inserted.
I have noticed, looking through through the threads, that other people have experienced simualars issues but I could not find one that was resolved.
Should you require more information then please give us shout.
Thank you