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Blade Movie, some ratings pls

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how would i make a preloader for that?? as at the momemnt when you open the window its white until the movie loads. how would i make another .swf load the blade movie into it?? and tel you how many kilobytes out of kb total (e.g. 56kb / 123kb)??



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ye but how do i put that on one movie, and make it load the blade movie into it? with the percentage loader on the movie loading the blade movie? and make the percentage show how much has loaded??



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I don't understand your question.
You want to load your blade movie into another main movie, using a preloader in this main movie?


yea thats right.

:: main movie ::

preloader - bytes loaded / bytes total
loads the blade movie into this

i want to do this because when u view the blade movie at the mo, it has a white screen until its downloaded.



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thanx old, thats exactly what i was looking for.

1 q tho, how would i make it display the number of kilobytes loaded out of the total kb??



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You do that with getBytesLoaded() - divide by 1000 (or to be technically accurate 1024) to get the number of kilobytes loaded so far:

var soFar=Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded()/1000);
trace('Loaded so far: '+soFar);

As for the movie itself, well it ain't 'xiao xiao', but it's a start. If you look at one of the originals:

...I think you could get closer to that fluidity of animation by creating the characters from movieclips. Make each section/limb a separate clip and reposition them frame by frame, this way you'll get a consistent looking character which stays in proportion and feels solid.

Also raising the movie's framerate is a must - looks like you're using 12fps at the moment, I'd try for at least twice than to get more of a smooth feel. Means animating twice as many frames though.
how would i slow it down then if i wanted it to go slow motion like his?? and the blur effect when they move slowly??

Also how did he make it zoom in and make the camara spin round?



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To get slow motion in animation you have to animate a slower motion - there's no trick to it, you just have to animate the character using more frames to complete the motion. You don't have variable control over the framerate in Flash - you've got to choose a basic framerate and stick to it.

It's very possible that the animation in that example wasn't actually done in Flash but in a high end animation program like Lightwave and then exported out as a .swf so that the Flash Player can show it. That would make the realistic camera moves etc much easier.

However if you spend some time sketching stuff out and organising the movie before you actually start animating it you can draw that stuff frame by frame and still have it look good. The blurring effects can be simulated with duplicated clips with the _alpha setting dropped so they appear semi=transparent and so on.
in lightwave can you make the camara spin round like you can in that movie??

what other things can you do in it that you cant do as easy in flash??



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I'm just guessing - the whole thing could just be Flash.

Lightwave is a high end animation package - it's not a web tool. It's what they use for the CGI effects in the movies and tv shows (Star Trek Voyager was done with Lightwave for example). There are lots of these programs such as 3DMax and Maya - you have to decide if you want to be a pure animator or a web guy in order to choose.

If you just want to do web animation these are probably not for you, if you want to do animation for film/tv then they are useful (and expensive) tools.

Also worth noting that full 3D programs have steep learning curves, you have to learn to model characters and light scenes in addition to learning how to animate.
instead of pressing a button on ur preloader (oldnewbie's) how would you make it go there straight away??

like when it loads it shows the preloader?



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I haven't been following you in this thread!

Why don't you simply add a preloader to your blade1.swf?


dw bout adding it to the blade movie.

how in your preloader .fla do you make it load the movie automatically without having to press any buttons??

i dont add it to the blade movie because its like 450kb and you would have to wait for teh movie to download to get the preloader to work.



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