We're running Exchange 2000 & BES 4.0.
We have a corporate list of all cell phones. These were imported into Outlook Contacts when the Blackberrys were handed out. Not all Blackberry users have internal PCs with Outlook on them, so I need to do everything wirelessly. I'd like to either be able to update the user's default Contacts list so it will synch with their Blackberrys, or allow the Blackberry to access a corporate contacts list in a public folder on Exchange.
Or, (for you Exchange experts out there), is there a way to have all user's contacts list update from a public contacts folder automatically?
We have a corporate list of all cell phones. These were imported into Outlook Contacts when the Blackberrys were handed out. Not all Blackberry users have internal PCs with Outlook on them, so I need to do everything wirelessly. I'd like to either be able to update the user's default Contacts list so it will synch with their Blackberrys, or allow the Blackberry to access a corporate contacts list in a public folder on Exchange.
Or, (for you Exchange experts out there), is there a way to have all user's contacts list update from a public contacts folder automatically?