This just started last night. One of our blade servers which is running multiple nics through windows (I think its actually one physical card in the blade that controls the nics). For some reason last night one of the nics on one subnet failed and stopped responding and the server ran really slow. The other nic was fine. I rebooted the blade and it seemed fine.
It happened again today on the same card/subnet. So i enabled one of the other nics and gave it the ip of the faulty one and later on it did it again. Nothing is showing in the logs or anything. The other nic/subnet seems fine and i even remoted into the server on that nic and the server was running fine. the "failed" nic even still had the link and an ip it just would not talk to anything. Adfter a reboot it was fine again. I swapped out the blade for another one in the hopes that it might be a problem with the blade maybe. Still waiting to see if it crashes. Has anyone else seen this?
It happened again today on the same card/subnet. So i enabled one of the other nics and gave it the ip of the faulty one and later on it did it again. Nothing is showing in the logs or anything. The other nic/subnet seems fine and i even remoted into the server on that nic and the server was running fine. the "failed" nic even still had the link and an ip it just would not talk to anything. Adfter a reboot it was fine again. I swapped out the blade for another one in the hopes that it might be a problem with the blade maybe. Still waiting to see if it crashes. Has anyone else seen this?