Karl Blessing
the following issue have been tried with two video cards and two<br>motherboards(both different chipsets)<br><br>I've tried an MSI K7 Pro (Irongate chipset) at first I thought it was<br>because of the irongate chipset with the geforce.<br>then I tried an Abit KA7 which i am using now (and doesnt crash like the K7<br>pro did) heres the following symptons followed by the specs of the computer<br><br>* Colored blocks randomly show up in mediaplayer, and in Jpegs (assume<br>they're being viewed with DirectDraw)<br>* Texture eratically stretches to one side, or in random positions<br>* in all OGL and DX Games, including 3dMark2000, all textures are filled<br>with Colored blocks<br>* most programs that use skins are filled with white blocks<br>* in some DX games the sound makes really weird high pitches rythamic beeps<br>(sound is perfect anywhere else like winamp)<br>* Desktop almost always has the White palette turned into yellow<br><br>options tried :<br> installed and patched every driver alvailible for the specified chipset<br> formated Win98 several times<br> removed cards out of the system to see if any of it was conflicting<br><br>Specs<br><br>256 Meg Rams<br>2 HDD , 13G and 10G<br>250Watt Power Supply (another 250 Watt is powering the cooling componets)<br>Athlon/600<br>Sound Blaster Live! Platinum<br>Dxr3 DVD hardware Decoder card<br>5X DVD/32X CDrom drive<br>10Mbit Etherlink card(which hooks upto my cable modem)<br><br>the video card is an Elsa Erazor X2<br>Board and CPU are no more than 3 weeks old<br>also tried a Creative Labs TNT2 Ultra which gave back the exact same result<br>also a new thing is there bars on my titlebar of every window in sections of<br>the gradient, also when running setup you'll see some black bars accross on<br>the gradient<br><br>If you've ever heard of this bizzare problem let me know (neither Elsa nor<br>icompz.com which sent me the athlon has even responded to me it seems they<br>like to use that "sorry we took so long" tatics)<br> <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.8m.com>kb244@kb244.8m.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in , or have messed with : VC++, Borland C++ Builder, VJ++6(starting),VB-Dos, VB1 thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, Borland C++ 3(DOS), Borland C++ 4.5, HTML, ASP(somewhat), QBasic(least i didnt start with COBOL)