I'm a fairly experience Partner tech and this one has me scratching my head...the problem in a nutshell is for the second night in a row, the receptionist would get in at 8am and line one is active for about 4 hours. A button of a busy indicator for her extension is lit up, like her phone initiated or the took the call, in both instances. The first time it happened, I came onsite and moved her ext. 20 to a new port (ext 24) because originally when the issue happened she unplugged her phone and plugged back in and it was dead. I disconnected any cables attached to that possible problematic port, as I have seen wonky issues surface when an ext. port goes bad on this pbx. I also put in a new jack at her station location just to rule that out and verified nothing else is attached to those cable pairs at the MDF. Then called it a day...
Customer called next morning to report the same problem. This time I had her reboot the PBX, by flipping the power switch on the 5-slot carrier. The system didn't come back up, no lights, nada, even after I had her make sure nothing was loose, power wise. When I arrived onsite an hour later the system was back up, customer touched nothing, a whole 40 minutes went by and the system came up on its own! I checked out the 5-slot didn't find anything that seemed loose. I powered it down and reseated everything, modules, power cord, and powered back up without issue...
I read here on tek tips that if there is a bad extension port the lines should be removed from it. So I went into Sys prog and removed them via #301. I didn't have to do this in the past with bad ext. ports but I think in all instances I've removed the modules housing the bad ports.
What do guys think is going on here? Will this issue resurface again around 3am, even after I removed the line assignments on the "bad" port?
Thanks in advance!
Customer called next morning to report the same problem. This time I had her reboot the PBX, by flipping the power switch on the 5-slot carrier. The system didn't come back up, no lights, nada, even after I had her make sure nothing was loose, power wise. When I arrived onsite an hour later the system was back up, customer touched nothing, a whole 40 minutes went by and the system came up on its own! I checked out the 5-slot didn't find anything that seemed loose. I powered it down and reseated everything, modules, power cord, and powered back up without issue...
I read here on tek tips that if there is a bad extension port the lines should be removed from it. So I went into Sys prog and removed them via #301. I didn't have to do this in the past with bad ext. ports but I think in all instances I've removed the modules housing the bad ports.
What do guys think is going on here? Will this issue resurface again around 3am, even after I removed the line assignments on the "bad" port?
Thanks in advance!