When one inputs a birthday under a Contact's name, Can it show up in the Calendar automatically? Also, can it be used for something like contract renewal dates?
Sorry can't help with outlook 98. With 2003 this is automatic. have you tried a test and seen if this happens. Enter a birthday then view your calendar Is it there.
With 2003 you can also link items to your contacts create an itme in your calender, the open the contact and link them to it. Not much help as this is 2003 but might be worth testing the birthday side of things.
Found this in google:
Can I easily create an annual recurring event from a contact's birthday or anniversary?
Outlook automatically creates an annual recurring event to match a new birthday or anniversary when you enter it. Imported contact records are another story, however. Outlook doesn't create events from imported contacts—at least, not until you trick Outlook by editing the contact item. First, locate items that have a birthday or anniversary, and then edit them to trigger the creation of the recurring event. Here are the instructions:
1. In the Contacts folder, switch to the Phone List view, and then use View, Show Fields, or View, Field Chooser, to display the Anniversary and Birthday fields, listed under Personal fields. (In Outlook 98, use View, Current View, Customize Current View, Fields.)
2. Click the Anniversary column heading, then hold down the Shift key as you click the Birthday column heading. This action will sort the contacts so you can see the contacts with an anniversary or birthday at the top.
3. Click on the first anniversary or birthday date in the list, press End, then the space bar, and finally Enter. This sequence doesn't alter the date, but it makes Outlook think that you changed it. And that trick triggers the creation of an annual recurring event.
4. Repeat step 3 for other birthday and anniversary dates.
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