Hi All,
I'm in the process of build a small mobile application (applogies if this post is the wrong area)
When binding a textbox to a table in the dataset i get a
This is strange as i can bind the dataset to a datagrid or a combobox with no problem.
Does anyone know if there is a limitation in the compact framework that doesnt allow this?
The code for this is
Many Thanks
I'm in the process of build a small mobile application (applogies if this post is the wrong area)
When binding a textbox to a table in the dataset i get a
"System Argument Exception: Argument Exception"
Does anyone know if there is a limitation in the compact framework that doesnt allow this?
The code for this is
Dim StrMsg As String
StrMsg = "Add New Estimate for :" & ComboBox1.Text
Dim response As MsgBoxResult
response = MsgBox(StrMsg, MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
If response = MsgBoxResult.No Then
'MsgBox("Add New Customer")
' create the dataadapter, and add to the dataset
Dim strSelectCustomers As String = "SELECT CustId, CustSName, CustFName, CustPhone1, CustPhone2, CustFax, CustMemo FROM TblCustTable"
Dim strConnString As String = "data source=;database=Project;integrated security=SSPI;User ID=IUSR_PAUL-56F7AB7IHO;Password=password"
' Using the connection object
Dim connProject As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
connProject.ConnectionString = strConnString
'Dim cmdCustomers As New SqlCommand(strSelectCustomers, connProject)
Dim daAddCustomer As SqlDataAdapter
'Dim workTable As DataTable = New DataTable("TblCustTable")
daAddCustomer = New SqlDataAdapter(strSelectCustomers, connProject)
Dim StrState As String
daAddCustomer.Fill(dsCustomers, "TblCustTable")
' bind the controls to test the dataset
With ComboBox1
.DataSource = dsCustomers.Tables("TblCustTable")
.DisplayMember = "CustFName"
.ValueMember = "CustId"
End With
TxtCustFName.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", dsCustomers, "TblCustTable.CustFName"))
TxtCustSName.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", dsCustomers, "TblCustTable.CustSName"))
TxtCustPhone1.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", dsCustomers, "TblCustTable.CustPhone1"))
TxtCustPhone2.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", dsCustomers, "TblCustTable.CustPhone2"))
TxtCustFax.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", dsCustomers, "TblCustTable.CustFax"))
TxtMemo.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", dsCustomers, "TblCustTable.CustMemo"))
'show the controls
' add new record
BindingContext(dsCustomers, "TblCustTable").AddNew()
MsgBox("Take Combo Value and add new estimate")
End If
Catch excNull As Exception
MsgBox("3: " & excNull.GetBaseException.ToString())
Many Thanks