I would like to bind a label and a listbox i.e I want to update the label text to the element I select in the listbox.
I have got the following in the main prog
global labelp
label .project.label -text "$labelp"
in the listbox function I have
bind $w.frame.list <Double-1> {
global labelp
set labelp [selection get]
It does not update the main prog label even if the var is global, do I need to "redraw the label"? and how do I do this?
I would like to bind a label and a listbox i.e I want to update the label text to the element I select in the listbox.
I have got the following in the main prog
global labelp
label .project.label -text "$labelp"
in the listbox function I have
bind $w.frame.list <Double-1> {
global labelp
set labelp [selection get]
It does not update the main prog label even if the var is global, do I need to "redraw the label"? and how do I do this?