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Binary searching routine. Any thoughts on this code?

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Mar 18, 2002
Part of my program needs to do something relatively simple:
remember a list of numbers. So I have an class called

It has one member called CheckAndAdd(int). This checks to see
if the number has already been added - if so it returns true.
If not, it adds the number, and returns false.

So anyway this in a server environment, and I need this to be
blindingly fast. Usually, a CNumberTracker will be created,
and anywhere from 1 to 100,000 numbers will be added. The
numbers will generally be anything from 1 to 10,000,000,
really (they are IDs in a pretty large database).

I thought about a few indexing methods. One of them was based
around a huge bitfield, and was extremely fast, but rather
clumsy to implement and could potentially be very wasteful on

So anyway I wrote a binary search routine. Now I've never
done this before, so I'm interested to know if you have any
suggestions for it - how to make it faster and faster and
faster. Every millisecond counts.

(Incidentally, anyone know a round() function in C++? I
looked everywhere but couldn't find one, so I had to write my

So here's the basic code. "List" is a
"int*" containing all the numbers, ordered.
"ListCount" says how many "ints" there
are in "List". "MinNumber",
"MaxNumber" and "LastNumber" are some
nice optimizations which in my scenario will make a big

int round (double d) {
	int i = (int)d;
	if (d - i >= .5)
		return i + 1;
		return i;

CNumberTracker::CNumberTracker () {
	List = NULL;
	ListCount = 0;
CNumberTracker::~CNumberTracker () {
	delete List;
bool CNumberTracker::CheckAndAdd (int Number) {
	int Index;

	//If there are any numbers already added
	if (ListCount) { 

		if (Number > MaxNumber) {

			//It's not in the list - let's just slot it at the end
			List = (int*)realloc(List, ListCount * sizeof(int));
			List[ListCount-1] = MaxNumber = LastNumber = Number;
			return false;

		} else if (Number < MinNumber) {

			//It's not in the list - let's just slot it at the start.
			List = (int*)realloc(List, ListCount * sizeof(int));

			//Move all the numbers up. (how can I avoid this??)
			for (int i = ListCount - 1; i > 0; i--) List[i] =
			List[0] = MinNumber = LastNumber = Number;

			return false;

		} else if (Number == LastNumber) {

			//This is the last number they added. Nice optimization.
			return true;


		//Perform binary search.
		Index = ListCount / 2;
		int MaxDivisor = ListCount * 2; //When divisor is higher
than this, we stop the binary search.
		for (int TestCount = 2; ; TestCount++) {

			if (List[Index] > Number) {

				int Divisor = pow (2, TestCount);
				if (Divisor > MaxDivisor) break;
				Index -= round((double)ListCount / Divisor);

			} else if (List[Index] < Number) {

				int Divisor = pow (2, TestCount);
				if (Divisor > MaxDivisor) {
					Index++; //Important.
				Index += round((double)ListCount / Divisor);

			} else {
				return true;

	} else {
		//First time we've added a number. Let's set these.
		MinNumber = MaxNumber = Number;
		Index = 0;


	//Add the lil' sucker in. Index marks the spot we should
slot it in to.
	List = (int*)realloc(List, ListCount * sizeof(int));
	for (int i = ListCount - 1; i > Index; i--) 
		List[i] = List[i-1];
	List[Index] = LastNumber = Number;
	return false;

Any comments would be appreciated. I've stress tested the
above code with random numbers and it seems to be reliable
and pretty fast, I just want to know if there are any other
optimizations I could make. (Or if this is just totally

Without digging into your code but only focus on &quot;remember a list of numbers&quot; I'd recommend std::set.

typedef std::set<int> NumberTracker;

NumberTracer nt;

Set: nt.insert(45)
Query if its set: if (nt.find(24)!=nt.end())

1) find/insert are quite fast (O(log n)) as it is implemented as a red-black tree.
2) As it is a tree it is also &quot;automatically&quot; sorted, just ++ your way from nt.begin() to nt.end()


if (typos) cout << &quot;My fingers are faster than my brain. Sorry for the typos.&quot;;
Thanks Per,

Sorry - I haven't used Templates much so I don't know how to get this working.

I entered the following code to a MFC console program:

typedef std::set<int> CNumberTracker;

And got these errors:

: error C2039: 'set' : is not a member of 'std'
: error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<'
: error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<'

Sorry for the trouble, any idea what i'm doing wrong?
>Sorry - I haven't used Templates much so I don't know how to get this working

There's a first time for everyone. Hopefully you'll soon realize how cool templates are ....

You probably just forgot a
#include <set>


if (typos) cout << &quot;My fingers are faster than my brain. Sorry for the typos.&quot;;
Solution 2:
As you mentioned is it perhaps a little waste of space (actually a lot waste if we talk about millions of elements) and it would be more efficient to just store a bit thats stating is its set or not. Also setting and quering can be done in constant time as we use the index immedeiately (no searching).

stl has a template class for that, std::bitset.

I made a similar class (before I realized STL had it). Use at will. It performs no range checks, but add those if you need 'em:
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// class BoolArray. 
// An array of bools (surprised?). The bools are internally
// stored as the bits of an array of BOOL_HOLDER_ELEMENTs.
// ------------------------------------------------------------

// 64 bit storage works fine, but is slightly slower on a 32 bit system.
// Uncomment to activate 64 bools per element storage
//#define USE_64_BIT_STORAGE

#ifdef USE_64_BIT_STORAGE	
	typedef unsigned __int64 BOOL_HOLDER_ELEMENT;
	#define DIV_BY_BPE(x) ((x)>>6) // x >> 6 == x / 64
	typedef unsigned __int32 BOOL_HOLDER_ELEMENT;
	#define DIV_BY_BPE(x) ((x)>>5) // x >> 5 == x / 32

class BoolArray 
	// Public Construction
	// Constructor.
	// size - max number of bits array shall handle
	// Will internally be rounded up to nearest BOOLS_PER_ELEMENT-1 number.
	// Ie if (size==37) highest bit number is 63	BoolArray(int size):mSize(DIV_BY_BPE(size)+1),mArray(0)
		mArray = new BOOL_HOLDER_ELEMENT[mSize];

	// Destructor 
		delete [] mArray;
		mArray = 0;

	// Public Commands

	// Provide functionality to rapidly fill the array with some value
	// using a __int32 variable.
	void Initialize(__int32 initValue)
		memset(mArray,initValue,mSize* sizeof(__int32)*sizeof(BOOL_HOLDER_ELEMENT)/sizeof(__int32));

	// Set bit value
	void Set(unsigned int i)
		unsigned int index;

		mArray[index] |= bit; // Set : OR it in

	// Clear bit value
	void Clear(unsigned int i)
		unsigned int index;

		mArray[index] &= ~bit;// Clear : AND-INVERSE it out

	// Public Queries
	bool Get(unsigned int i) const
		unsigned int index;

		return (mArray[index] & bit)!=0;

	// Get operator. Ie foo = boolArray[x]
	bool operator[](unsigned int i) const
		return Get(i);

	// Disabled Methods
	// Default constructor
	// Copy constructor
	explicit BoolArray(const BoolArray&);
	// Assignment operator
	BoolArray& operator = (const BoolArray&);

	// Private Helper Methods
	// GetIndexAndBit
	// Given a bit index, i, it returns
	//   index : Index to the BOOL_HOLDER_ELEMENT array, and
	//   bit   : A BOOL_HOLDER_ELEMENT with the aproperiate bit set.
	static void GetIndexAndBit(unsigned int i, unsigned int& index, BOOL_HOLDER_ELEMENT& bit) 
		index = DIV_BY_BPE(i); // index = i / BOOLS_PER_ELEMENT;

	// Members
	int mSize;

}; // class BoolArray


if (typos) cout << &quot;My fingers are faster than my brain. Sorry for the typos.&quot;;
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Part and Inventory Search

