I've got an old P1 with 64K memory that I'm using for experiments. It has an S3 Virge card which seems to work fine on Windows. When I install Linux, the cursor appears as a 1"x0.75" rectangle with the arrow next to it. It works if I remember that the hotspot is the top left corner of the rectangle: not the top of the arrow.
I've tried SUSE, Redhat and Corel and they all give the same results. These are quite old Linux installs that I got off mags about 6 years ago. They work fine on other machines with other graphics cards. I can't install the later releases as I think the machine is below minimum spec.
Any idea what might be causing this rectangle and how it can be fixed?
I've tried SUSE, Redhat and Corel and they all give the same results. These are quite old Linux installs that I got off mags about 6 years ago. They work fine on other machines with other graphics cards. I can't install the later releases as I think the machine is below minimum spec.
Any idea what might be causing this rectangle and how it can be fixed?