New member
- Jan 1, 1970
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I have a very strange problem, and I think it has to do with apache.
First I will describe my problem and afterward my apache configuration and system details
(and ... sorry for my English...and please read it - even it's a long description)
I have different virtual domains in the virtual section of apache...and of corse I also configured them on my dns server. So, now I restart apache and everything works fine - I mean my created virtual domains works fine. But after some time (which is always different ...sometimes after 5 min. and sometimes also after 2 houres) when the pages had some hits, the problem starts. For example: instead of displaying the requested (with a browser) virtual domain the "main virtual domain" (the domain configured first in the virtual section) is displayed or sometimes also just another virtual domain. Let's make an example:
- "main virtual domin": xxx.tld
- second virtual domain: yyy.tld
- third virtual domain: zzz.tld
so now I request "zzz.tld" with an actual browser
(no, not a 2.0 Browser...but with IE 5.5 or
Netscape 4.7...or what ever...)
but the content of "xxx.tld" or "zzz.tld" is
displayed...and after somte time (5 to 30 minutes)
I request "zzz.tld" again ...and everything
is right again...but after a few requests "it"
starts again... ://
sometimes just some pictures are "searched" on the wrong (virtual) domain... I mean, when I request "zzz.tld" the page is displayed - but a few pics are missing as if they aren't uploaded. Now I have a look into the error logfiles of apache what...there are some 404 errors - but not in the "zzz.tld" error logfile - they are in the "xxx.tld" error logfile ...and if this pictures are "searched" in the "xxx.tld" it's logical that they couldn't be found (because the different VirtualHost's have different DocumentRoot's...)
When I restart apache the problem is gone ...but just for some time...
Now some configuration details:
-dual pIII 800MHZ with 512MB Infinion Ram
-SuSE 7.1 but with kernel 2.4.3
-Apache 1.3.19 (I also tried 1.3.17 - distributed with
SuSE 7.1)
-Bind 9.1.0 (used no CNAME's ...just A records)
-Raid 0 with raidtools (or whatever they are called)
with two Seagte IDE HD's
>just the /var and /home directory are on this raid
(and all the DocumentRoot's too...) the rest is on
a different HD
httpd.conf (virtual section):
<VirtualHost xxx.tld>
ServerName xxx.tld
ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/home/webxxx/public_html
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/xxx.tld-error_log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/xxx.tld-access_log combined
some "<Directory>" Options, Aliases ...etc.
<VirtualHost yyy.tld>
ServerName yyy.tld
ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/home/webyyy/public_html
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/yyy.tld-error_log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/yyy.tld-access_log combined
<VirtualHost zzz.tld>
ServerName zzz.tld
ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/home/webzzz/public_html
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/zzz.tld-error_log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/zzz.tld-access_log combined
I also tried <VirtualHost> but with this it's even worther.
Also other things like without "ServerAlias" or with and without still the same...
I would be happy if somebody could help me !
thanks a lot
I have a very strange problem, and I think it has to do with apache.
First I will describe my problem and afterward my apache configuration and system details
(and ... sorry for my English...and please read it - even it's a long description)
I have different virtual domains in the virtual section of apache...and of corse I also configured them on my dns server. So, now I restart apache and everything works fine - I mean my created virtual domains works fine. But after some time (which is always different ...sometimes after 5 min. and sometimes also after 2 houres) when the pages had some hits, the problem starts. For example: instead of displaying the requested (with a browser) virtual domain the "main virtual domain" (the domain configured first in the virtual section) is displayed or sometimes also just another virtual domain. Let's make an example:
- "main virtual domin": xxx.tld
- second virtual domain: yyy.tld
- third virtual domain: zzz.tld
so now I request "zzz.tld" with an actual browser
(no, not a 2.0 Browser...but with IE 5.5 or
Netscape 4.7...or what ever...)
but the content of "xxx.tld" or "zzz.tld" is
displayed...and after somte time (5 to 30 minutes)
I request "zzz.tld" again ...and everything
is right again...but after a few requests "it"
starts again... ://
sometimes just some pictures are "searched" on the wrong (virtual) domain... I mean, when I request "zzz.tld" the page is displayed - but a few pics are missing as if they aren't uploaded. Now I have a look into the error logfiles of apache what...there are some 404 errors - but not in the "zzz.tld" error logfile - they are in the "xxx.tld" error logfile ...and if this pictures are "searched" in the "xxx.tld" it's logical that they couldn't be found (because the different VirtualHost's have different DocumentRoot's...)
When I restart apache the problem is gone ...but just for some time...
Now some configuration details:
-dual pIII 800MHZ with 512MB Infinion Ram
-SuSE 7.1 but with kernel 2.4.3
-Apache 1.3.19 (I also tried 1.3.17 - distributed with
SuSE 7.1)
-Bind 9.1.0 (used no CNAME's ...just A records)
-Raid 0 with raidtools (or whatever they are called)
with two Seagte IDE HD's
>just the /var and /home directory are on this raid
(and all the DocumentRoot's too...) the rest is on
a different HD
httpd.conf (virtual section):
<VirtualHost xxx.tld>
ServerName xxx.tld
ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/home/webxxx/public_html
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/xxx.tld-error_log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/xxx.tld-access_log combined
some "<Directory>" Options, Aliases ...etc.
<VirtualHost yyy.tld>
ServerName yyy.tld
ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/home/webyyy/public_html
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/yyy.tld-error_log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/yyy.tld-access_log combined
<VirtualHost zzz.tld>
ServerName zzz.tld
ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/home/webzzz/public_html
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/zzz.tld-error_log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/zzz.tld-access_log combined
I also tried <VirtualHost> but with this it's even worther.
Also other things like without "ServerAlias" or with and without still the same...
I would be happy if somebody could help me !
thanks a lot