Inquiring; if there better methodology to search two worksheet. Background, I have written a macro to basically merge to worksheet. There is one to many relationships with the two worksheets; worksheet ‘A’ contains the summary record; worksheet ‘B’ has the detail records.
The macro reads a row in the worksheet ‘A’ creates a key from specific columns from worksheet ‘A’ then commencing with the first record in worksheet ‘B’ creates a key for each row in worksheet ‘B’ then compares the keys looking for match; reads the entire worksheet.
There are two do loops; the first is for worksheet ‘A’ and second is for worksheet ‘B’; I am sure thru logic; I could reduce the records that are read using the do loops.
The question I am asking; are their methodology in Microsoft Excel VBA that could be employ to improve the search the worksheet ‘B’; rather read the each record.
Example; build an index for both worksheets then used the index to locate the record.
Thanks in advance for response to the inquiry
The macro reads a row in the worksheet ‘A’ creates a key from specific columns from worksheet ‘A’ then commencing with the first record in worksheet ‘B’ creates a key for each row in worksheet ‘B’ then compares the keys looking for match; reads the entire worksheet.
There are two do loops; the first is for worksheet ‘A’ and second is for worksheet ‘B’; I am sure thru logic; I could reduce the records that are read using the do loops.
The question I am asking; are their methodology in Microsoft Excel VBA that could be employ to improve the search the worksheet ‘B’; rather read the each record.
Example; build an index for both worksheets then used the index to locate the record.
Thanks in advance for response to the inquiry