What is the best (fastest, lowest use of server resources) to open a recordset?
I have seen:
rs.Open SQL, Conn
rs.Open SQL, Conn, 3
rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
rs.Open SQL, Conn, adOpenStatic
rs.Open SQL, Conn, adOpenKeyset
Is there a good resource out there to help me determine what is best for me and my company/application?
Thanks in advance.
I have seen:
rs.Open SQL, Conn
rs.Open SQL, Conn, 3
rs.Open SQL, Conn, 1, 1
rs.Open SQL, Conn, adOpenStatic
rs.Open SQL, Conn, adOpenKeyset
Is there a good resource out there to help me determine what is best for me and my company/application?
Thanks in advance.