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best way to delete or archive some log files on a regular basis

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Technical User
Nov 10, 2005

i have an application which creates logs but doesn't rotate or delete them.

I need to devise a plan that deletes say the last week of logs and shedule it to run.

how is this best achieved and can you recommend any best practices.

We have a guy that wrote a script that accomplishes this, to a point. It backs up the system logs, but I'm pretty sure it could be modified for your needs. I'll find out if he has a problem with me handing it out.
Got permission, and as long as credit is given, then it's cool. With a little bit of tweaking, this could be exactly what you are looking for.

'* EventLogArchive.vbs								*
'* by Thomas Jones								*
'* January 2006									*
'* This script does the following:						*
'* 	queries the system, to determine the installed logs.			*
'* 	achives the logs to a specified location.				*
'* 	The file name is TypeofLog_FirstEventTime_LastEventTime.evt		*
'* 	To save space the file is compressed into a cab.			*
'* 	The origional evt archive file is deleted.				*
'* 	The Event Log is then cleared						*
'* 	A Application Event with the results of the process is written.		*

Option Explicit

'Declaring Constants and Array
Const strPath = "F:\Logs\"
Const intEventSuccess = 0
Const strComputer = "."

'Declaring Variables
Dim garrEventLogNames
Dim gstrArchiveFileName
Dim gstrLogName
Dim intCount
Dim intErrBkupLog

intErrBkupLog = 0
intCount = 0
garrEventLogNames = GetLogNames()

For intCount = LBound(garrEventLogNames) to UBound(garrEventLogNames) 
     'Confining the loop to the array size
     gstrLogName = garrEventLogNames(intCount)	'Storing the Log Name
     gstrArchiveFileName = CreateArchiveFileName(gstrLogName)
     Call ArchiveEventLog(gstrArchiveFileName, gstrLogName)


WScript.Quit 'End of Script

Function GetLogNames()
'* Function GetLogNames()							* 
'*   Determines the logs existing on the system.				*
'*   Expects: Nothing.					    			*
'*   Returns: an array of log names.						*
     Dim arrLogNames
     Dim strEmpty
     Dim strReferral
     strEmpty = ""
     strReferral = "GetLogNames"
     arrLogNames = CreateEventObject(strEmpty, strReferral, strEmpty)
     GetLogNames = arrLogNames
End Function

Function CreateArchiveFileName(strLogName)
'* Function CreateArchiveFileName()						*
'*   Determines the new archive file name.					*
'*   by the timestamp on the first and last event in a selected log.		*
'*   Expects:  The log name.							*
'*   Returns:  The archive file name.						*
     Dim strFirstEvent
     Dim strLastEvent
     Dim intNumOfEvents
     Dim strBackupName
     Dim strEmpty
     Dim strReferral
     strEmpty = ""
     strReferral = "GetNumOfEvents"
     intNumOfEvents = CreateEventObject(strLogName, strReferral, strEmpty)
     ' Import the num of recs in the Event Log.
     strReferral = "GetFirstEvent"
     strFirstEvent = CreateEventObject(strLogName, strReferral, strEmpty)

     strReferral = "GetLastEvent"	
     strLastEvent = CreateEventObject(strLogName, strReferral, intNumOfEvents)
     ' Beginning For Loop to store the lastobjInstalledLogFiles
     ' event in log to timestamp the archive file.

     strFirstEvent = Left(strFirstEvent, 14)	
     '	Trim the string only to contain YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
     strLastEvent = Left(strLastEvent, 14)	
     '	Trim the string only to contain YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

     strBackupName = gstrLogName & "_" & strFirstEvent & "_" & _
     strLastEvent & ".evt" 'Concatenate and build the archive event file name

     CreateArchiveFileName = strBackupName
End Function

Function CreateEventObject(strLogName, strReferral, varParameter)
'* Function CreateEventObject()							*
'*   Querying System to build objects.						*
'*   Expects:  The log name, the function from, an additional parameter.	*
'*   Returns:  the event object or nothing depending on the select.		*
     Dim strImpersonate
     Dim objLog
     Dim objWMIService
     Dim objLogFile
     Dim arrLocal
     Dim strRootQuery
     Dim strEventLogQuery
     Dim strFirstEvent
     Dim strLastEvent
     Dim intNumOfEvents
     Dim intEventCount
     If strLogName = "Security" Then
          strImpersonate = strLogName & ", Backup"
          strImpersonate = "Backup"
     End If

     Select Case strReferral
          Case "GetLogNames"
	       strRootQuery = "winmgmts:" & _
	       "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
	       strComputer & "\root\cimv2"
	       strEventLogQuery = "Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile"
	       Set objWMIService = GetObject(strRootQuery)
	       Set objLog = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strEventLogQuery)

               ReDim arrLocal(objLog.Count - 1)

	       For Each objLogFile in objLog
	            arrLocal(intEventCount) = objLogFile.LogFileName
		    intEventCount = intEventCount + 1
	       CreateEventObject = arrLocal
	  Case "GetNumOfEvents"
               strRootQuery = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(" & _
		strImpersonate & ")}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2"
		strEventLogQuery = _
		"Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName=" & _
		"'" & strLogName & "'"
		Set objWMIService = GetObject(strRootQuery) 'Creating System Object
		Set objLog = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strEventLogQuery)
		intNumOfEvents = 0
		For Each objLogFile in objLog
	            intNumOfEvents = objLogFile.NumberOfRecords
		CreateEventObject = intNumOfEvents
	  Case "GetFirstEvent"
		strRootQuery = "winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(" & _
		strImpersonate & ")}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2"
		strEventLogQuery = "Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where LogFile=" & _
		"'" & strLogName & "'" & " AND " & "RecordNumber = " & 1
		Set objWMIService = GetObject(strRootQuery) 'Creating System Object
		Set objLog = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strEventLogQuery)
		For Each objLogFile in objLog
			strFirstEvent = objLogFile.TimeWritten

		CreateEventObject = strFirstEvent
	  Case "GetLastEvent"
		strRootQuery = "winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(" & _
		strImpersonate & ")}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2"
		strEventLogQuery = "Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where LogFile=" & _
		"'" & strLogName & "'" & " AND " & "RecordNumber = " & varParameter
		Set objWMIService = GetObject(strRootQuery) 'Creating System Object
		Set objLog = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strEventLogQuery)
		For Each objLogFile in objLog
                    strLastEvent = objLogFile.TimeWritten
		CreateEventObject = strLastEvent
	  Case "ArchiveEventLog"
	       strRootQuery = "winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(" & _
	       strImpersonate & ")}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2"
	       strEventLogQuery = _ 
	       "Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName=" & _
	       "'" & strLogName & "'"
               Set objWMIService = GetObject(strRootQuery) 'Creating System Object
               Set objLog = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strEventLogQuery)
	       For Each objLogFile in objLog
                    intErrBkupLog = objLogFile.BackupEventLog(strPath & varParameter)
          Case "ClearEventLog"
               strRootQuery = "winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(" & _
	       strImpersonate & ")}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2"
	       strEventLogQuery = _
	       "Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName=" & _
	       "'" & strLogName & "'"
               Set objWMIService = GetObject(strRootQuery) 'Creating System Object
	       Set objLog = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strEventLogQuery)
	       For Each objLogFile in objLog
	            intErrBkupLog = objLogFile.ClearEventLog() 'Clear event log.
     End Select
End Function

Sub ArchiveEventLog(strFileName, strLogName)
'* Subroutine ArchiveEventLog()						   	*
'*   Archive the specified Event Log.						*
'*   Expects:  The log file name and the log name.				*
'*   Returns:  Nothing.								*
     Dim objInstalledLogFiles
     Dim strReferral
     strReferral = "ArchiveEventLog"
     objInstalledLogFiles = CreateEventObject(strLogName, strReferral, strFileName)
End Sub

Sub ClearEventLog(strLogName)
'* Subroutine ClearEventLog()							*
'*   Clear the Event Logs.							*
'*   Expects:  The log name.							*
'*   Returns:  Nothing.								*
     Dim strReferral
     Dim strEmpty
     strReferral = "ClearEventLog"
     strEmpty = ""

     Call CreateEventObject(strLogName, strReferral, strEmpty)
End Sub

Sub WriteEvent(strLogName)
'* Subroutine WriteEvent()							*
'*   Write the result to the Application Log.			 		*
'*   Expects:  The log name.							*
'*   Returns:  Nothing.						 		*
     Dim objShell

     Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
     If intErrBkupLog <> 0 Then        
       	  objShell.LogEvent intEventSuccess, strLogName & " Log was NOT archived."
          objShell.LogEvent intEventSuccess, strLogName & " Log was archived to " _
	  & strPath & "." 
     End If
End Sub

Sub CreateCab(strFileName)
'* Subroutine CreateCab()							*
'*   Compress Logs using makecab.exe						*
'*   Expects:  The log name.							*
'*   Returns:  Nothing.								*
     Dim objShell
     Dim objFSO
     Dim strCommand
     Dim objFileDelete
     Dim intRunError

     strCommand = "cmd /c makecab " & chr(34) & strPath & strFileName & chr(34) &  " " & chr(34) & strPath & strFileName & ".cab" & chr(34)

     Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

End Sub

Sub DeleteEVTFiles()
'* Subroutine DeleteCreateCab()							*
'*   Compress Logs using makecab.exe						*
'*   Expects:  The log name.							*
'*   Returns:  Nothing.								*
     Dim objFSO
     Const DeleteReadOnly = TRUE

     Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     objFSO.DeleteFile(strPath & "*.evt")', DeleteReadOnly

End Sub

thanks but that looks a bit extreme for my needs plus i wouldn't know the first thing about editing it.

all i need is something to look in directory X and delete or move all but the newest log file (which is still being written to)

Depending on the application, you may need to have an archive. It will also depend on your business, and the laws that are applicable to that business.

Deletion isn't always the best case scenario, unless you are reviewing those logs on a day to day basis, ensuring that only appropriate things are going on. You can tell a lot just from an error that is going on if the system has been compromised.

Anyway, I wouldn't say that the above is extreme, as all it is is a .vbs script, with very little overhead. It is relatively easy to figure out, as the author of the script even put in remarks to let you know what he is doing (anything starting with a '). Looking at may give you another idea of the direction you want to go.
Actually I learned the simplest trick to clear logs without deleting the file is to simply

echo . > somefile.log

The only caveat is if the log file is being by the application/service, you'll get an access denied message

this is my fault for not explaining it properly.

my application creates log files say every hour and data is written to it then it stops after an hour and another log file is created with a different time stamp.



Another application then reads the data in the log file and creates rrd files where the data is stored and the log files are no longer needed and they do not delete.
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