I've been given the job of building a small CRM datamart. So far I've mapped most of the tables from a few different source systems (Oracle, DB2, MSSQL), but now I'm stuck.
There is a requirement to snapshot the data at particular points in time (eg. Monthly), and I'm not sure what the best way to do this is.
In the past I've seen people use effective to/from dates on every record and pop views on top. But not sure if there is a better way ?
My target DB is MSSql, and I was thinking of just using SAS as an ETL tool to get it in there (until I figure MS DTS out).
I've been given the job of building a small CRM datamart. So far I've mapped most of the tables from a few different source systems (Oracle, DB2, MSSQL), but now I'm stuck.
There is a requirement to snapshot the data at particular points in time (eg. Monthly), and I'm not sure what the best way to do this is.
In the past I've seen people use effective to/from dates on every record and pop views on top. But not sure if there is a better way ?
My target DB is MSSql, and I was thinking of just using SAS as an ETL tool to get it in there (until I figure MS DTS out).