Dear all:
Recently I purchased a LINKSYS EFSP42 2-port Print Server. Before I opened the box, I expected to finish the testing in approximately 10 to 15 minutes because most of the Linksys products I have are hassle-free setup.
However, this Print Server took me the whole day for testing. I experienced graphical texts failed to print, slow respondance, and Admin Software not able to search the print server on network and/or upgrade the firmware. I have even tried to visit Linksys's official website and downloaded the latest version of drivers and firmwares, but still no use.
Right now, I am in the market shopping for the most reliable print server for SOHO standard (means faily inexpensive but performance is good and reliable at same time). Can you share your Print Server experience with me, and perhaps give me some recommendation?
My friend has a NETGEAR PS101 and hethinks that works great. However, I searched the web and found out that it's got a problem with giving itself a static IP.
Currently we are hosting a RedHat Linux + Samba workstation as the print server, and the performance is so fantastic. However, it has some compatibility issue with Crystal Report. Switching to a Windows based workstation may help but currently the only PCs we've got are those old P2 and some old P3 with 128RAM; can such slow PC handle the print jobs well as a print server???
Thank you all =)
Recently I purchased a LINKSYS EFSP42 2-port Print Server. Before I opened the box, I expected to finish the testing in approximately 10 to 15 minutes because most of the Linksys products I have are hassle-free setup.
However, this Print Server took me the whole day for testing. I experienced graphical texts failed to print, slow respondance, and Admin Software not able to search the print server on network and/or upgrade the firmware. I have even tried to visit Linksys's official website and downloaded the latest version of drivers and firmwares, but still no use.
Right now, I am in the market shopping for the most reliable print server for SOHO standard (means faily inexpensive but performance is good and reliable at same time). Can you share your Print Server experience with me, and perhaps give me some recommendation?
My friend has a NETGEAR PS101 and hethinks that works great. However, I searched the web and found out that it's got a problem with giving itself a static IP.
Currently we are hosting a RedHat Linux + Samba workstation as the print server, and the performance is so fantastic. However, it has some compatibility issue with Crystal Report. Switching to a Windows based workstation may help but currently the only PCs we've got are those old P2 and some old P3 with 128RAM; can such slow PC handle the print jobs well as a print server???
Thank you all =)