I've been looking in to an app that would only allow specific people's calls or sms to make any sound during specific times. I know several of these exist but I'm not happy with their interface or they don't always work.
I've found how to intercept calls and sms with the BroadcastReceiver but what to do with it then. I think I can even drop the call if I tie in to some nonpublic APIs but I don't want to drop the call, it should just go to voice mail.
I can also change the default tone with RingtoneManager but that will change it for everyone. I may be able to track down how to change the ringtone for a specific person but then there are custom apps to deal with that may overwrite my settings or just ignore them.
Are there methods I haven't thought of yet? Which would you use?
Travis Hawkins
I've found how to intercept calls and sms with the BroadcastReceiver but what to do with it then. I think I can even drop the call if I tie in to some nonpublic APIs but I don't want to drop the call, it should just go to voice mail.
I can also change the default tone with RingtoneManager but that will change it for everyone. I may be able to track down how to change the ringtone for a specific person but then there are custom apps to deal with that may overwrite my settings or just ignore them.
Are there methods I haven't thought of yet? Which would you use?
Travis Hawkins