Malcola 7.6.300b & SQL2000
I am very new to SQL & SQL Programming, so keep that in mind. I would like to insert records in OESLSHST from an Excel file, which I have uploaded into a SQL Table. These records will be our Sales Budget. The fields are layed out as follows:
Salesman,Cust,Shipto,Prod Cat, Item#,JanQty,JanAmt,FebQty,FebAmt,MarQty,MarAmt,etc...
What would be the best method to insert a month at a time into the OESLSHST table? Also how would you get the next identity number?
Should I post this in the SQL programming board? Thanks.
I am very new to SQL & SQL Programming, so keep that in mind. I would like to insert records in OESLSHST from an Excel file, which I have uploaded into a SQL Table. These records will be our Sales Budget. The fields are layed out as follows:
Salesman,Cust,Shipto,Prod Cat, Item#,JanQty,JanAmt,FebQty,FebAmt,MarQty,MarAmt,etc...
What would be the best method to insert a month at a time into the OESLSHST table? Also how would you get the next identity number?
Should I post this in the SQL programming board? Thanks.