Technical User
In fixing small computers one thing that has bugged me the most has been to set them up with a browser that was light enough to be useful and not kill the machine' ressources, I have for exemple this 80486 with 16Mo Ram, Windows 95A on it, the comp runs just fine for small task for any low budjet user, I have tried a few different browsers but they are heavy and all uses too much ressources, I know this might seem paradoxal since the Web is filled with ressources hungry apps and gadgets, but I thought I check out this issue on this forum.
In fixing small computers one thing that has bugged me the most has been to set them up with a browser that was light enough to be useful and not kill the machine' ressources, I have for exemple this 80486 with 16Mo Ram, Windows 95A on it, the comp runs just fine for small task for any low budjet user, I have tried a few different browsers but they are heavy and all uses too much ressources, I know this might seem paradoxal since the Web is filled with ressources hungry apps and gadgets, but I thought I check out this issue on this forum.