I have used the besutil.exe utility, and also verified the registry entry. Basically, the backup job hangs until someone clicks OK to the alert "Please remove Media". Any suggestions?
The answer : within the backup exec interface > Alerts tab/button > on the left hand side you will see a list of options > "configure Alerts" >> you will then see a list of categories >> select "Insert media" (not to sure on that) ie the alert you receive >> also within there you will see a check box (name escapes me at the moment, doing this from memory) right at the bottom something like "Cancel the job after" or something > check this then next to it you should be able to specify the time (default is 3 hrs or somethig) > set this to one minute then run the following test (assuming you have correctly setup the BEUTILITY):
- remove the media from your drive > start a new job > you should receive the promt >> give it a few minutes >> then it should cancel the job
Let me know how you get on, as its frustrating not to get any feedback.
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