I found that spec.org is relatively useful, but only if your looking at raw floating point or int results which sometimes don't tell the whole truth. e.i. the pentium beat out the AMD on most of the initial SPEC2000 results but we all know that wasn't the case with real world apps.
thanks guys.. but most of the benchmarks here were taken fromk dell and HP.. i need the exact benchmarks that comes from SUN Servers... do they have it??The sites youve mentioned is very informative though... but currently im looking for SUN's TPC for their machines.. thanks a lot guys!
Hmmm, I'll have a look around and see what I can find, I don't know if it's just me but I don't take any notice of vendors benchmarks, When we were looking for new servers recently, we devised our own tests then went to the vendor ourselves and ran the tests on different servers, and picked the best from our tests. What the vendors were telling us didn't really match what we were seeing in the results. It may be worth taking this approach... --
| Mike Nixon
| Unix Admin
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