Below are the instructions I received from my web host on how to set up a form,counter, etc on my web page using HTML.
is there a way to make all this work in flash? GetURL?
Formmail allows you to prompt visitors for information using a form on your web page. In order to use this script, you will need to be familiar with how forms are designed.In your form tag, you need to set it to read:
<form action=" method="post">
You then need to insert at least two hidden tags. These set the data from the form to be emailed to you with a pre-defined subject.
<input type="hidden" value="<your email address>" name="recipient">
<input type="hidden" value="<subject>" name="subject">
If you would like to have the form re-direct the viewer to a custom thank-you or confirmation page, then you also need to add a third tag:
<input type="hidden" value="<confirmpage>" name="redirect">
This will allow you to display a customized 'thank-you' page, as opposed to the default one the script generates
is there a way to make all this work in flash? GetURL?
Formmail allows you to prompt visitors for information using a form on your web page. In order to use this script, you will need to be familiar with how forms are designed.In your form tag, you need to set it to read:
<form action=" method="post">
You then need to insert at least two hidden tags. These set the data from the form to be emailed to you with a pre-defined subject.
<input type="hidden" value="<your email address>" name="recipient">
<input type="hidden" value="<subject>" name="subject">
If you would like to have the form re-direct the viewer to a custom thank-you or confirmation page, then you also need to add a third tag:
<input type="hidden" value="<confirmpage>" name="redirect">
This will allow you to display a customized 'thank-you' page, as opposed to the default one the script generates