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Behavior of Properties and Command windows 2

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Feb 6, 2001
I've recently moved from VFP5 to VFP9 and am noticing some ways the Command and Properties windows behave differently. (Example: in the IDE, when I close a form I'm developing, a Properties window remains, showing properties for the Desktop.) I can't find much in the Help. Is there a writeup anywhere?

My current problem is specific and urgent - the Properties window won't open at all, either through the Window menu or the right-click menu. Assistance would be much appreciated.



In VFP 7.0 and above, the properties window is open all the time by default. When the form / class designer is not present, the properties window shows the properties for _SCREEN.

The easiest way to avoid that it to manually close the properties window (when the form / class designer is not open), then come out of VFP, then go into it again.

To open the properties window when it is not currently open, click on the Properties Window button on the standard toolbar (two buttons to the right of the command window button). Alternatively, click in the form design surface, and press TAB. If neither of those appear to work, the chances are that the properties window is already open, but it's hidden by some other window.

If all else fails, come out of VFP, delete your Foxuser files, and go in again.


Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)

My Visual FoxPro site: www.ml-consult.co.uk
Barring some kind of resource file problem (MikeLewis elluded to at the end of his message), the only thing I can think is that perhaps you've managed to move your properties window completely off screen. Try the following from the command window...


...as long as your properties window isn't tab docked with the datasession window this should bring it back into view if the problem is one of positioning.


SweetPotato Software Website
My Blog
Thanks, guys. The toolbar button did the trick. When the Properties window appeared it was a tab at the bottom of the Command window. I'm guessing it somehow got docked there.

I was also able to get rid of the annoying Screen properties window. Thanks again!

One other point. To prevent the Properties window from sticking around after you close the Form/Class Designer, right-click on its title bar and uncheck Dockable.

Hi Jim,

Since VFP7, I found the docking feature of IDE windows not that helpful. I normally only do work in one window, perhaps switch between two more frequently, like form/property window. But there are hot keys to activate each window so I tend to disable docking all in all.

"Menu"->"Window"->"Arrange all" also only works correctly if docking is disabled. And the command window does not float on top anytime, which is annoying if I want my editor window to be full size. Docking of IDE windows is not very thoroughly implemented, eg you can't dock breakpoints or search(&replace) windows.

Docking capabilities of user defined application windows only became available with this VFP version. It also has it's downsides, but is much more welcome. Especially in conjunction with the anchoring capabilities.

The two most helpful hotkeys for me are CTRL+F2 to show the command window, ALT+ENTER to show the properties (depending on the context/active window). Then there is CTRL+F1 to cycle through all windows and last not least the context menu key (right mouse click key if you like) also helps much. And the command window and the Modify command do the rest for me. CTRL+ALT+SHIFT is also very useful for a short look at the _screen.

Bye, Olaf.
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