I am currently converting a DOS payroll application to windows. The database we currently use is not compatible with the new VB application. I am just a beginning programmer, and I'm now to the part where I need to deal with the database questions. I have taken a class on Access (just how to use it, by its self), so I am most comfortable with it, but willing to take suggestions. Here are the questions:<br><br>1. Will I be creating an empty database using Access (fields defined), then include it in the package and deployment with the application?<br><br>2. My boss wants to lump several fields together for security reasons (one huge long number, so no one can tell rates, SS# etc.). Will I be able to do Mid$ on the database fields to extract just the data I need? (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION)<br><br>3. The book I am currently (just started) using to learn about database programming is binding text boxes to database fields using the data control. Even if I wanted to do this, I couldn't because of the request for the lumped together fields. I have glanced ahead, and wondered if DAO or ADO is how I will be "binding" the input. Can someone explain a little about DAO or ADO, is it a language, a control, just a general idea, so I'm a little less confused.<br><br>I'm sure I will have more questions, so any extra input would be greatly appreciated.<br>Thanks in advance for any help.<br><br>Catrina