What is the best way to add beginning and ending balances to an activity report?<br><br>I have a report that gives me the general ledger activity for a specified account for a period based on beginning date parameter and ending date parameter. I have a group total for that activity period. <br><br>I now want to add a beginning balance for each account (group) so I can sum the beginning balance and the activity balance to get the ending balance.<br><br>I have been trying to arrive at this using running total but I am not doing something right and it is not totaling. I am studying this option further. However, upon thinking further, I wonder if I would be better off to calculate the beginning balance in a subreport instead and insert it in the group header suppressing all but the report total. Am I barking up the wrong tree? I don't want to create performace issues. <br><br>I am using CR7.0 with Epicor SQL 7.0 Database using ODBC driver <br><br>