Technical User
Sorry for the long post, but I thought as much info as possible would help...
I did 8 weeks of fortran77 at university last year, and was always terrible. But I have been trying to use it recently at work to automate a task, trying to format the contents of an ascii text file. I am doing it on a Red Hat Linux, using tutorials found online.
I have it working - but it is very ugly - and I am sure someone could help me improve the way I am doing it
First I use awk to select the numbers I need from an exported file. This is written to a file "awk_out"
Then I use fortran to read these 2 columns of data into the format I want.
I do get a (not-too-important) error at the end about reaching end of file, but it doesn't get written to the file I make,, so I dont mind it...
I use a korn shell script to create the input file for fortran, compile, write the formatted output to a file, and then clean up a bit.
What I really want is to be able to use an alias to run the fortran program from my terminal (in any directory I want to be in). Using an input file I specify, I want an output file in the format below - ideally also specifying what string to put at the start of each line...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Is there some way I could use counting to do 6 pairs of numbers on each line, with POLGON at the beginning?
Also the only way I could think of getting the last line in the right format was to look after each possibility individually, but it just seems a horrible way of doing it...
Sorry for the long post, but I thought as much info as possible would help...
I did 8 weeks of fortran77 at university last year, and was always terrible. But I have been trying to use it recently at work to automate a task, trying to format the contents of an ascii text file. I am doing it on a Red Hat Linux, using tutorials found online.
I have it working - but it is very ugly - and I am sure someone could help me improve the way I am doing it
First I use awk to select the numbers I need from an exported file. This is written to a file "awk_out"
Then I use fortran to read these 2 columns of data into the format I want.
I do get a (not-too-important) error at the end about reaching end of file, but it doesn't get written to the file I make,, so I dont mind it...
list in: end of file
apparent state: unit 60 named awk_out
last format: list io
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
I use a korn shell script to create the input file for fortran, compile, write the formatted output to a file, and then clean up a bit.
echo Enter name of input file
read input
awk 'END { print NR > "awk_out" }' /$input
awk '{printf "%.0f %.0f\n", $1, $2 >> "awk_out" }' /$input
echo Enter name of output file
read output
g77 poly.f
/glb/home/nltme9/prog/a.out > $output
rm -rf awk_out
rm -rf a.out
What I really want is to be able to use an alias to run the fortran program from my terminal (in any directory I want to be in). Using an input file I specify, I want an output file in the format below - ideally also specifying what string to put at the start of each line...
POLGON 3974 1693 3877 1658 3818 1641 2461 1632 2405 1687 2347 1721
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
program poly
c This program reads a data file of polygon
c coordinates from 123di and converts them
c for use in SIPMAP.
c 9/09
implicit none
integer file, n, i, j, lines, nmax, rem
parameter (nmax=9999, file=60 )
integer x(nmax), y(nmax)
c Open the data file, previously made with awk
c First line contains number of lines
open (file, FILE='awk_out', STATUS='OLD')
c Read the number of points on first line
c calculate number of lines to be used
read(file,*) n
lines = n/6
rem = n - lines*6
c write(*,*) lines
c write(*,*) rem
c Do loop over the number of lines,
c writing out 6 numbers per line in format specified @100
c note continuation using & at position 6 of new line
do 60 i= 1, lines
read(file,*) x(i),y(i),x(i+1),y(i+1),x(i+2),y(i+2),x(i+3),y(i+3)
write(*,100) x(i),y(i),x(i+1),y(i+1),x(i+2),y(i+2),x(i+3),y(i+3)
60 continue
c Deal with the last line...
if (rem .eq. 1) then
do 10 j=1, rem
read(file,*) x(i),y(i)
write(*,100) x(i),y(i)
10 continue
elseif (rem .eq. 2) then
do 20 j=1, rem
read(file,*) x(i),y(i),x(i+j),y(i+j)
write(*,100) x(i),y(i),x(i+j),y(i+j)
20 continue
elseif (rem .eq. 3) then
do 30 j=1, rem
read(file,*) x(i),y(i),x(i+j),y(i+j),x(i+j),y(i+j)
write(*,100) x(i),y(i),x(i+j),y(i+j),x(i+j),y(i+j)
30 continue
elseif (rem .eq. 4) then
do 40 j=1, rem
read(file,*) x(i),y(i),x(i+j),y(i+j),x(i+j),y(i+j),x(i+j),y(i+j)
write(*,100) x(i),y(i),x(i+j),y(i+j),x(i+j),y(i+j),x(i+j),y(i+j)
40 continue
elseif (rem .eq. 5) then
do 50 j=1, rem
read(file,*) x(i),y(i),x(i+j),y(i+j),x(i+j),y(i+j),x(i+j),y(i+j)
write(*,100) x(i),y(i),x(i+j),y(i+j),x(i+j),y(i+j),x(i+j),y(i+j)
50 enddo
c Format for writing lines
100 format ('POLGON', 6(I6, I6))
c Close the file
close (file)
9999 stop
Is there some way I could use counting to do 6 pairs of numbers on each line, with POLGON at the beginning?
Also the only way I could think of getting the last line in the right format was to look after each possibility individually, but it just seems a horrible way of doing it...