Hi everyone,
i have a circle and a vertical line on the the stage. i'd like to connect the vertical line to the circel so that the connection point will be excactly on the circle's perimeter and at the top of the circle (by "top" i mean: if the line is moved left or right it will not touch the circle's perimeter). i could do it manually: noving the line carefully so it will be placed where i want. But is there a "mechanic" way to do it so i know the line is laid excactly where i want ? using "align" panel for example?
i have a circle and a vertical line on the the stage. i'd like to connect the vertical line to the circel so that the connection point will be excactly on the circle's perimeter and at the top of the circle (by "top" i mean: if the line is moved left or right it will not touch the circle's perimeter). i could do it manually: noving the line carefully so it will be placed where i want. But is there a "mechanic" way to do it so i know the line is laid excactly where i want ? using "align" panel for example?