I'm trying to compile a question and answers page
I'm able to show my questions but on click
of a question I want to show the selected ques and its corr Answer.
The code I have:
<font size="3" color="#5894ae">
<a href="AnswerSearch.asp" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none" target = "Main" class=fp>
and so on for each heading.....
I'm able to show my response, what I'm after doing is ---
Once my repsonse is visible I then want to click an the supplied question to show the question and answer.
Is this possible? If so could someone please SHOW ME THE CODE.
I'm able to show my questions but on click
of a question I want to show the selected ques and its corr Answer.
The code I have:
sqltemp = "select * from QA where TYPE = 'G' order by id"
set rstemp=conntemp.execute(SQLTemp)
sqltemp = "select * from QA where TYPE = 'E' order by id"
set rstemp1=conntemp.execute(SQLTemp)
sqltemp = "select * from QA where TYPE = 'C' order by id"
set rstemp2=conntemp.execute(SQLTemp)
sqltemp = "select * from QA where TYPE = 'P' order by id"
set rstemp3=conntemp.execute(SQLTemp)
sqltemp = "select * from QA where TYPE = 'Q' order by id"
set rstemp4=conntemp.execute(SQLTemp)%>
<%do while not rstemp.EOF%>
<a href="AnswerSearch.asp" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none" target = "Main" class=fp>
<%response.write rstemp("QUESTIONS")%>
and so on for each heading.....
I'm able to show my response, what I'm after doing is ---
Once my repsonse is visible I then want to click an the supplied question to show the question and answer.
Is this possible? If so could someone please SHOW ME THE CODE.