Can anyone help me out with starting up Tomcat as a beginner? I have Apache Tomcat installed on my machine but from there I'm pretty lost. I've tried reading help files but to no avail. Can anyone help?
Are you on a Windows machine or a Unix/Linux machine?
What are you using tomcat for?
- servlets/JSPs
- just goofing around
- static html ...
Are you familiar with any other servlet containers or web servers?
The best place to get started is to define your environment variables:
- JAVA_HOME (the directory in which your JAVA JDK is installed)
- CATALINA_HOME (the directory in which tomcat is installed)
Then you can run <CATALINA_HOME>\bin\startup.bat (assuming a windows install) or <CATALINA_HOME>/bin/ (assuming a Unix/Linux install)
Tomcat has an "examples" web application that you can test and goof around with. After you start Tomcat, it is accessible at "
If you're going to build your own Java web application, you will be well off purchasing a good book on the topic. Two that I recommend are:
- Professional Apache Tomcat (Wrox Press)
- Tomcat the Definitive Guide (O'Reilly)
I am using a Windows XP machine .I plan to use it for
- servlets/JSPs
- static html ...
I am not familiar with any other servlet containers or web servers.
I got tomcat up and running but now what? I create the documents where and save them where as to be able to view them in a browser?
(i.e. your machine, port 8080 - the default for a tomcat install. the port number can change.)
under \conf\, you'll find \Catalina\localhost\ with a bunch of .xml files.
Each one of these relates to a seperate context. This has special meaning to jsp. Each of these contexts references a different virtual subdirectory on the server: e.g.
If you want to use Tomcat for Unix to create servlets/jsp and for static html, where do you download Tomcat? Is it free? How does this relate to the Java SDK 1.4.
I am used to an NT environment and have installed the SDK 1.4 on my personal machine.
I know nothing of Tomcat. Can someone compare the differences. Also, servlets are sort of new to me although I am creating classes, etc. in Java.
(part of the Apache project). The Documentation and FAQ sections there are also useful.[/li]
[li]It's free[/li]
[li]The SDK is completely seperate from Tomcat, but Tomcat needs the SDK to run. The SDK allows you to run/compile Java apps on your machine, whilst Tomcat uses the SDK to compile pages (.jsp) and servlets within the context of a web server.[/li]
[li]Sun describe a servlet as 'A servlet can almost be thought of as an applet that runs on the server side'. It's basically a way of seperating the presentation from the business logic. (think: MVC - Model - View - Controller).[/li][/ul]
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