Technical User
Hello, I am a beginner in assembly programming and would like to know if anyone out there could help me with an issue. Currently I am writing a project to which I am drawing a calendar for 3 months. I can easily make a calender on the screen for 1 month but for the other 2 months I run into a problem. Before I state my problem I have a small code segment below just to show a small sample of the type of code I am writing in this type of beginner course as to which that is how the code is supposed to come out as. It is a 16bit program, I understand jmps, push, pop, loops. I was only taught marginally how to use int 10h which consisted of that it just needs to be there for it to work. I was not taught anything about keyboard interaction which the proffessor expects us to magically figure out and after trying and trying I really am stumped.
My question is if anyone could help me write a small program, sort of like how I have below which displays the letter B on the top left hand corner of the dos box, how to save this "page" into memory and use keyboard interaction like say the N key to go foward or the B key to go backwards... say the next page has a the letter N on it for example. I know it is a tall order but I could terribly use an example if anyone can help. Thanks in advance!
My question is if anyone could help me write a small program, sort of like how I have below which displays the letter B on the top left hand corner of the dos box, how to save this "page" into memory and use keyboard interaction like say the N key to go foward or the B key to go backwards... say the next page has a the letter N on it for example. I know it is a tall order but I could terribly use an example if anyone can help. Thanks in advance!
.model small
.stack 200h
cseg segment 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg
mov ah,0
mov bh,0
int 10h
mov AX, 0B800h
mov ES,AX
mov byte ptr ES:[2], 'B'
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
cseg ends
end start