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BEFSX41 Disconnecting

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Jan 16, 2001
I have a Problem with the internet connection dropping every 3-4 hours. If I reset the router the connection comes back-up. The DSL modem lights show that there is a constant connection. You can't ping the router from the internet side when the connection is down. I've upgraded the router to 1.44 firmware and have tried a different modem with no success. Any Ideas ??

Hi Stum...

Are you running PPPoE? If yes, is your router already configured to have PPPoE as its WAN connection type? Try to verify that by going into the setup page of the router. If not, set it as so and enter your username and password.
I have the same problem. I am using PPTP (PPPoE does not work). I am using Bezeq with the Alcatel modem. the modem gets disconnected every few minutes. I have to go to the router configuration screen, status, disconnect and connect.

Any suggestions?

Replace the modem. But check it is in pure Bridge mode, if so replace the modem. If not, put the modem into Bridge mode.

- Try to hard code the DNS to your DHCP tab of your router...
- Make sure that you have a modem and not a modem/router
I have similar problem with BEFW11S4, Ver 4
I tried to upgrade the firmware, checked if the adsl modem is in bridge mode, but still - it is disconnected after very short time. the modem seems ok because when I connect it directly to the PC it stays connected for days.
any ideas? thanks
Several things have changed since early January:

For the BEFSX41, upgrade the firmware to befsr-fw-1456.zip
This is dated July 30, 2003.
You can get it here: ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befsr41/

For the BEFW11S4 V.4 (note: Not V2 or V3) you really must get the new update: befw11s4v4-fw-1453.zip
This is dated July 29,2003
You can get it here: ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befsr41/

The new BEFSRx1 firmware has worded well, and been test on V.1, V.2, and V.2.1 but should not be used on V.3 routers.
Same link as above.

The BEFW11S4 V.3 firmware is also quite good. This is date August 6, 2003 Same link as above.
I got the 1453 firmware for my BEFW11S4 V.4, but still no help - it keeps disconnecting. called linksys support - told me to contact european support.
Are the disconnections on the wireless client, the wired client, or both?

And, when it disconnects, what appears for the WAN light on the router? Is it still lit?

I am for now just trying the wired client.
and, the WAN (Internet) light on the router is on also when disconnected. the status show "connected" and i have to disconnect and connect again
That's right..looks like that version of befw11s4 is not really stable...just return the router, right...btw, I read in the release notes about the latest firmware, it says that it's just for beta-testing. I'm not sure, but it may even worsen the problem.
There appears to be a lot of unhappy people with Version 4 of the BEFW11S4. The version 1.453 of the firmware either solves problems, does nothing about the problems, or makes them worse. There is no consistent result about the effect of the firmware update, but it is clear that it is about the only step one can take if you are having problems at the moment.

This discussion is typical of the problems people are having, and what has worked and not worked to fix intermittant connections with the device:

Have the same problem as Dov and Avi above. BEFSX41 Ver 4. disconnecting every 1-2 minutes (from an Alcatel modem). Newest firware does not help.

Has any of you tried to heck the modem to Pro, then change it to work PPP instead of PPTP?

How can I tell what version of Linksys SR41 I have?? I have read references to Version 3, 4, etc..

To use the Alcatel modem you want to place it into pure bridge mode for use with any router that provides PPoE authentication services.

See this site, scroll down till you see the list of Alcatel changes that can be made:

Flip it upside down. The label will state the Version.
I changed the alcatel to pro mode, and then to router.
then I just put the linksys in default mode - "get ip address" - and all is well.

Changing the default IP scope for the router will work, but is still double-NAT'ing.

It would be best to put the modem into pure bridge mode. Depending on the Alcatel modem, you might need to upgrade or downgrade the firmware to make sure the bridge setting is successful.

Daniel Petri's notes on this are very clear as to how to proceed without using a double NAT:
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