I'm fairly new to VB. I have the following code. It's stopping the user from going forward (adding new files) and thats it. The error is not popping up of the cursor is not going to the field. All I'm getting is a Microsoft Office Access Error "You can't go the the specified record."
Thanks for you time in advance.
I'm fairly new to VB. I have the following code. It's stopping the user from going forward (adding new files) and thats it. The error is not popping up of the cursor is not going to the field. All I'm getting is a Microsoft Office Access Error "You can't go the the specified record."
Private Sub L_READING_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Len(Me.L_READING & vbNullString) = 0 Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Reading is a Required Entry.", vbCritical, "REQUIRED ENTRY"
End If
End Sub
Thanks for you time in advance.