I am trying to do a simple query to count records before the year 1995 and with no education ID. I am having problem with the date expression. Cna some one help?
The date format that appears in the table is yyyy-mmm-dd (2001-Jan-01)
SELECT Count(dbo_patient.patid) AS COUNT, dbo_patient.birthdate
FROM dbo_srvcevnt RIGHT JOIN (dbo_education RIGHT JOIN dbo_patient ON dbo_education.patID = dbo_patient.patid) ON dbo_srvcevnt.clntshid = dbo_patient.patid
WHERE (((dbo_education.educationID) Is Null) AND ((dbo_patient.birthdate)<1995));
The date format that appears in the table is yyyy-mmm-dd (2001-Jan-01)
SELECT Count(dbo_patient.patid) AS COUNT, dbo_patient.birthdate
FROM dbo_srvcevnt RIGHT JOIN (dbo_education RIGHT JOIN dbo_patient ON dbo_education.patID = dbo_patient.patid) ON dbo_srvcevnt.clntshid = dbo_patient.patid
WHERE (((dbo_education.educationID) Is Null) AND ((dbo_patient.birthdate)<1995));