Tomcat 3.2.3 with Apache 20
Hi. I've created a custom context outside of the webapps directory. If I put a jsp file in the top directory of the context, it finds the bean is uses just fine. However, jsp files in subdirectories of the context can't find their beans. I pretty sure the web-inf directory is set up properly. Am I missetting attributes in the context tag in server.xml, or is there another problem?
ContextRoot/file.jsp - finds bean
ContextRoot/subdir/file.jsp - can't find bean
I know this works in the examples directory, and I've set all the attributes for my context exactly the same as the examples context.
Hi. I've created a custom context outside of the webapps directory. If I put a jsp file in the top directory of the context, it finds the bean is uses just fine. However, jsp files in subdirectories of the context can't find their beans. I pretty sure the web-inf directory is set up properly. Am I missetting attributes in the context tag in server.xml, or is there another problem?
ContextRoot/file.jsp - finds bean
ContextRoot/subdir/file.jsp - can't find bean
I know this works in the examples directory, and I've set all the attributes for my context exactly the same as the examples context.