Hi, friend of Aspirin...
I have created a Bean with VisualAge. While I execute it on the visualAge environnement, I have no problem. But, when I export the full project and place the .jar file in the correct CLASSPATH, I have the followin error message while executing it:
Exception occurred in main() of java.awt.Panel
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: myClass/test/Test2$IvjEventHandler, method: actionPerformed signature: (Ljava/awt/event/ActionEventV) Inconsistent stack height 1 != 0
at myPackage.test.Test2.<init>(Test2.java:37)
at myPackage.test.Test2.main(Test2.java:408)
Does anybody know a reason for that??
I have created a Bean with VisualAge. While I execute it on the visualAge environnement, I have no problem. But, when I export the full project and place the .jar file in the correct CLASSPATH, I have the followin error message while executing it:
Exception occurred in main() of java.awt.Panel
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: myClass/test/Test2$IvjEventHandler, method: actionPerformed signature: (Ljava/awt/event/ActionEventV) Inconsistent stack height 1 != 0
at myPackage.test.Test2.<init>(Test2.java:37)
at myPackage.test.Test2.main(Test2.java:408)
Does anybody know a reason for that??