I'm relatively new to using backup exec 8.5 and 9.0.
Is there anyplace out on the net that might shed some light on using this software that is a bit easier to deal with than the help files that come with it?
I inherited a backup exec 8.5. server and have also setup a 9.0 server to back up our new network. Got it doing good basic backups, but need to learn the finer points now. Is it only me or does the help that comes with these products only go so far? Am having a dog of a time trying to do what I thought would be simple tasks, such as restoring data from an old tape on another machine to a directory on the current machine. I can't seem to get it to happen. Seems like even the most basic things are overly complicated. I need to find info for a dummy like me that explains how to do simple tasks like this. Any recommendations for info out there online?
Thanks in advance!