I want to promote one of my servers to the role of bdc. yet when i remove it from server manager then add it as a bdc i get the trust relatiohsip problem between the two. what is the best way to do this?
If the server is a member server the only way to make it a BDC is to reinstall. When you install the OS you get the choice of making it a PDC, BDC or Stand Alone server. A stand alone server can be a memeber of a domain, but not a domain controller. A PDC or BDC cannot become a member server. Making a member server a BDC/PDC requires you to reinstall from scratch.
The utility Upromote will do what you need, without having to reinstall. It's $100 for a single server. Without it, jaeddy is correct, reinstall is the only option.
Hi guys. Hope you don't mind me joining this thread but I'm having a similar problem though in reverse - I have a member server that I want to promote to PDC. What will a re-install involve exactly? Can I simply re-install over the current installation or do I need to format that partition?
did you add the server in to the Trusted Servers???
If so and it still comes in as a BDC??
Heres what should help...
When you add the server as a PDC, and demote the other one,
turn both off. Then turn on and log the NEW PDC on first, (the one that was just premoted)
then turn and log on the demoted BDC.
They should now be in their respective positions and trusting..
This is just a case where the PDC still thinks its a PDC until the other one can come on as the real PDC first...
hope this works!! Jay~
"I have to think of a funny footer to
put in here!!!???"
PDCs and BDCs are different animals from regular servers... To make a regular server a PDC or BDC reinstall the server software, it prompts your for the options during the install. The same is true for making a PDC or BDC a regular server.
You'll be happier if you do a clean install vs. some third party fix. (You know MS is tempermental anyway.)
I would agree with 2 previous posters under one condition: the promotable server is just a data storage, rather than applications, or, God forbid, sofisticated mail server. In this case, only full backup (with a test restoration), 3-rd party software, 2 hours pray and a heck of luck can save one from pulling his/her hair out next morning...
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