Configuration as follows; BCM50R3 with SIP Trunks and PSTN access + BCM450 R1 with only SIP Trunks. 4-digit Extn calls between BCM50/BCM450 via SIP working fine.Tandem calls from BCM450 to PSTN via BCM50, dropping 1-digit. National PSTN access from BCM50 set is 9,abcdefg with absorb length=1 so '9" gets dropped. When dialling from BCM450 call going out as 9,abcdef, yet dest code is is for 9A, absorb length=0. When call received by BCM50 and processed, "9" gets dropped and final call goes out as "abcdef" missing last digit. However, PSTN tandem calls from BCM450 to national special numbers e.g. 411 work ok. any ideas?