I have a customer with a BCM50 that is having a strange problem. The system works fine, the expansion modules work fine, the voicemail works fine except Feature 981 comes back with "Exit" on the display.
If you call in the AA is working, you can find the correct ext., it rings the phone and you hear the persons greeting and you can leave a message. It even lights the message notification light.
You can do F980 F983 F984 etc. but F981 just returns with "Exit". Even if you dial in and do a ** to get to your messages remotely you just get "Exiting the system, goodby"
I have checked the F9*1 and all the codes check out. Rebooted twice now and still no change. Even did a reboot at the end of the day and checked in the morning - no change.
I have also check out the updates, and as far as I can tell all updates are loaded.
Any Ideas? Thanks
If you call in the AA is working, you can find the correct ext., it rings the phone and you hear the persons greeting and you can leave a message. It even lights the message notification light.
You can do F980 F983 F984 etc. but F981 just returns with "Exit". Even if you dial in and do a ** to get to your messages remotely you just get "Exiting the system, goodby"
I have checked the F9*1 and all the codes check out. Rebooted twice now and still no change. Even did a reboot at the end of the day and checked in the morning - no change.
I have also check out the updates, and as far as I can tell all updates are loaded.
Any Ideas? Thanks