I'm going to be setting up a BCM50 with 4 integrated analogue trunks. A fax machine will need to run in the office as well, but I was hoping to split off one of the analogue lines at the socket so that the fax can share the line with the BCM50. I would then configure the BCM50 to ignore incoming calls on this line so only the fax answers them.
The reason behind sharing the line is so that if all the other lines are busy it can be used as an extra line out by the BCM50. I'm hoping by doing it this way I can avoid having to buy an analogue extension licence and not have to connect the fax through the BCM50.
Does this kind of set up sound possible/feasible?
Thanks in advance for any responses.
The reason behind sharing the line is so that if all the other lines are busy it can be used as an extra line out by the BCM50. I'm hoping by doing it this way I can avoid having to buy an analogue extension licence and not have to connect the fax through the BCM50.
Does this kind of set up sound possible/feasible?
Thanks in advance for any responses.