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BCM50 Rls. 2.0 and Windows 7

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Technical User
Jan 19, 2005
I have a BCM50 Rls 2.0 c/w call pilot messaging and fax messaging.
When I had windows XP I was able to open my faxes on my PC,e-mail them,delete them,save them, and copy them.
I changed my operating system to Windows 7 now I cannot open the faxes to view them.
I cannot do anything with them.
Is there a recent patch or do I have to upgrade to release 6.0?
Here is the reame for latest and last desktop update. It makes no mention of windows 7 anywhere including in the callpilot messaging patch details.

Software Update Name: BCM050.R200.SU.Desktop.009-200807

Applicable H/W Platforms: BCM50, BCM50a, BCM50e, BCM50b, BCM50ba, BCM50be, SRG50

Applicable S/W Platforms:, SRG50 R2

Category: GEN

Installation Recommendations:
This update should be applied to all new installs of BCM50 R2 and SRG50 2.0.
Existing installations should have this update applied if they are experiencing any of the
issues that are corrected. There is no need to schedule specific maintenance to apply this
upgrade if there are no reported issues. In those cases, systems should be updated at the
next regular service opportunity. The latest System Smart Update should be applied with this update.

Components & Versions:
lan-cte-client 7.12.04.A
reportingforcontactcenter 2.4.358

Constituent Updates:

New updates for this SU:


Updates from previous SU:


Product Dependencies
- J ava 1.6.0 (included in RCC installation)
- MySQL 4.1.14 (included in RCC installation)
- Crystal Reports (included in RCC installation)
- IIS 5, 6 or 7 (Not Included)
- BCM50 2.0 - Voicemail

Size: 536MB

Size of changed content since last Smart Update: 91MB

System Impact:
Time to apply approximately 5 minutes.
Does update application over previous Smart Update force reboot: No

Other Impacts: This update replaces the LAN CTE Client. All existing installations
of this client should be uninstalled and replaced (i.e. download and install the
new client) after the update has been applied.

Limitations: This update has no effect on the operation of the BCM50 R2 main unit
software. This update delivers the Unified Messaging client application file that
is stored on the BCM50 R2 hard drive and that file may be subsequently downloaded
from the BCM50 R2 to a PC. All email clients on client systems must be shut down
while installing the new client and re-started once the installation completes.

Due to a suspected flaw in Java, the Element Manager may display an incorrect time
during a two-hour window surrounding the time transition from daylight savings time
to standard time. The time on the BCM and displayed on sets is correct at all times.
Note: Do not manually correct the Element Manager's time setting during this two-hour
window as it may result in incorrect times on the BCM.

Update Removable: No

Installation Instructions:
Please ensure you create a backup of your Reporting for Contact Center Database
prior to upgrading to this build. For information on backing up the database
please refer to the Reporting for Contact Center SUOG - the specific required
chapter is titled "Backing up the MYSQL Database".

For existing installations on client PCs:
In Add/Remove Programs uninstall Reporting for Contact Center.
DO NOT uninstall Java or MySQL.
Run the Reporting for Contact Center install.

For new installations on client PCs:
DO NOT uninstall Java or MySQL.
Run the Reporting for Contact Center install.

The installation process has changed, as a result of upgrading MySQL 3 to MySQL 4.1.
You will need to supply a unique port number (default: 3309) for MySQL 4.1.

If MySQL 3 is already installed on the Web Host PC, the MySQL Port Setter dialog box
is displayed the first time you install Reporting for Contact Center using the MySQL
4.1 Server. The port number to be used by MySQL 4 can be entered, or selected
from the drop down list box, or left at the default port number of 3309.

On first installation of Reporting for Contact Center on a Web Host PC with MySQL 4
already installed, the MySQL Port Setter dialog box appears. Select the port
number to be used by the MySQL 4.1 Server from the drop down list box, or enter
a new port number; otherwise the port number is set to the defaulted value of 3309.

It is recommended you select port 3309 (MySQL 3 by default would have been
installed on port 3306). Port 3309 for MySQL 4.1 will be unique, as required.

For existing installations of ipView Software Wallboard on client PCs:
In Add/Remove Programs, uninstall ipView SoftBoard.
DO NOT uninstall RCC, Java or MySQL.
Run the ipView SoftBoard install.

For new installations of ipView Software Wallboard on client PCs:
DO NOT uninstall RCC, Java or MySQL.
Run the ipView SoftBoard install.

If the ipView SoftBoard is the only instance of this software running on a PC,
use the default Po rt number of 3500. If there is more than one instance of the
ipView SoftBoard running on a single PC, increment the Port number for each
installation of ipView SoftBoard on that PC. That is, use 3500, 3501, 3502, etc.

Remember to configure the correct Port numbers in the Reporting for Contact Center
Wallboard Configuration web pages.

When installing the Reporting for Contact Center Package on Microsoft
Windows Vista, please download the installation file to your machine
before installation. When installing, you must use an account which
belongs to the administrative user group. Logged in as this user,
right click the executable and select "Run as Administrator". This
will ensure that the RCC application installs with all the appropriate
permissions. Also note that RCC has dependencies on Microsoft IIS
which has changed in Vista. Please reference the Reporting for Contact
Center SUOG and ensure all the required optional components are installed.

Software Update BCM050.R200.117-OAM Description:

- No data is showing for ADID module in Telephony Resource
DID related data is not displayed in
configuration->Resources->Telephony Resources.
In MBMOD.vml, a DID parameter has been added to solve this issue.

Software Update BCM050.R200.110-RCC Description:

- The wallboard parameters table includes same abbreviation for id 12 & 13
For Wallboard parameters, "Number of Agents in Not Ready state" and "Number of
Agents Logged In" had the same parameter labels. These were corrected to point
to the right parameter.

- Not being able to print the reports with skillsets inv olved.
When trying to view a report with skillsets involved, RCC website fails to display
all skillsets. RCC engine and RCC printing service were upgraded to cope with
this situation.

- Missing information about setting up contact center for the first time
There was no information in the documentation or the initial popup connection help
screen that no port number is required for certain contact centers. This
information was added in the document.

- Realtime section of SUOG was out of date
Re-write the Agent Detail section with snapshots and include also in the Glossary the
Agent States and/or color of: Intercom => Light Grey, and MM Browser Call => Bright
Green. Correct the following Agent State colors: All Calls Held => Pink, Supervisor
Monitoring => Orange, Incoming Non-CC Call => Dark Green

- Missing information about ports used by contact center
RCC Setup guide does not include port 8088 to be included as firewall exception
list. This information was added in the document.

- RCC is Unable to monitor more than one site for real time displays
Real Time Displays in a multi-RCC environment does not work. RCC website was
enhanced to support multiple real-time displays from different webhosts at the
same time.

- Reports timeout against huge database accumulated over a year
RCC fails to display reports for call center having calls over one year or one million.
RCC database architecture was optimized to deal with huge amount of calls.

- Limitation on no. of Client PCs viewing Real Time screens concurrently
Provided the limit on the number of Client PCs, at 16, able to view all 4 Real Time
screens concurrent ly with a 1 second refresh rate from a Web Host PC.

- Long term solution is required for RCC database performance
RCC was lacking the feature to provide purging of databases for calls which
are old and not required. This feature has been made available in this build.

- Realtime screen displays a maximum of ten skillsets
Increased the number of skillsets viewable on the Agent Summary and Call Summary from
10 to 14 to match the previous version of RCC.

- XML errors are logged into separate files
Whenever Invalid XML or Incomplete XML or any XML error occurs, RCC will acquire the
actual erroneous XML in question through a separate log file.

- Documentation to allow IE 7 to configure popup blocker
Troubleshooting steps added to allow Web Host PC IP Address, or "localhost", to view
both Real Time screens and reports with popup blocker settings on.

- Monthly agent profile report timing out giving timeout error
Users can view Agent Profile Report for a month duration with large call center
data by making RCC engine work with more skillsets simulataneuosly.

- wallboards do not tolerate bad host names
Wallboard Driver was updated to continue working even if not all the clients with
soft-wallboard were running.

- Documentation regarding CCRS requires improvement
Trouble-shooting guide was updated to include additional information on the
following items: CCRS logs, Voicemail Patch procedure and CCRS Test page.

- CCRSTEST for RPT fails with
NoCCData was added to the list of recognized errors in the Real Time

- Real Time Stops working if call center is restarte d
RCC Real-time was improved to prevent failing when Call Center was shutdown and reconnect
itself once server becomes available again.

- The IP view inconsistencies with real time
Wallboard driver was updated to stop sending non-requested data to ipview Soft boards.

- German users can't modify report selection period
RCC website was enhanced to tackle with date formats in German language.

- RCC fails to download and install JRE on remote clients
A bug was removed where remote clients were unable to download and install JRE from
the webhost.

- RCC data download issues on US OS
Contact Center Connection page wont let download data on US OS because RCC website had
few problems with different date formats which were corrected.

Software Update BCM050.R200.109-GAP Description:

- This patch adds a privilege to the BCM called SetProgramming. The
SetProgramming privilege will have access limited to the following
Element Manager Screens:
Current User
Active Sets: Line Access, Capabilities and Preferences, Restrictions
Active Applications DN: Line Access, Capabilities and Preferences, Restrictions
Inactive DNs: Line Access, Capabilities and Preferences, Restrictions
All DNs: Line Access, Capabilities and Preferences, Restrictions

Software Update BCM050.R200.104-OAM Description:

- In Element Manager, element tree node information cannot be saved when the EM is
closed if it contains an ampersand ("&") or non-ASCII character(s). Note: the Element
Manager supports ISO8859-1 character s et. If node information contains any characters
outside this set, that node information will not be saved correctly; the non-ISO8859-1
characters will display as question marks ("?") after Element Manager restarts.
Characters used in passwords are not affected.

Software Update BCM050.R200.100-VISTA Description:

- Run-time error '75' Path File access error (Desktop Assistant Pro; Admin Edition)
The issue with directory access on MS Vista is fixed.

- Cannot use comdlg32.ocx. (Desktop Assistant Pro; Admin Edition)
The dependency is now addressed as part of the application installation.

- ipView SoftBoard is now Microsoft Vista compliant.
The old format .hlp help files have been replaced with .chm help files, because
Microsoft Vista no longer supports the .hlp file format for help.

- BCM Vista IP View configuration cannot be modified
On some Vista installations the Vista Shadow Volume Copy prevented ipView from
writing to its configuration files. This has been corrected.

Software Update BCM050.R200.087-CDR Description:

- Incorrect time display in CDRPullClient, which displays transfer time as "24:10"
instead of 12:10pm.
This patch resolves the improper display of transfer time in CDR pull client.

Software Update BCM050.R200.086-VISTA Description:

The new version of Element Manager will need to be downloaded from a Vista patched BCM.

The Element Manager version is the same across the BCM50 R2, BCM50 R1, BCM 4.0 Vista patches.

The Element Manager with Vista support can be downloaded from one release and be used with any other BCM release because the Element Manager will download the BCM specific cartridge when connecting to the BCM.

The Element Manager version is backwards compatible with BCMs that do not have Vista Patches applied.

The following issues are addressed:

- Microsoft Vista support.
This release includes update to allow the Element Manager to install and run
on supported versions of Microsoft Vista OS. Vista OS support is addition to
existing OS support.

- End Task Required on EM after Find Network Element Use
When configuring Find Network Element with "none existent" or "valid node" on
the network caused EM to freeze.

- Scheduled Service Screen is slow to display with no progress bar
When selecting the Scheduled Services screen in Telephony, the progress does
not remain until the data is displayed.

- EM: i1230: error ' View Spec and Data MoF' when go to button programming
When DA Pro is being used while modifying Configuration > Sets > Active sets
> For i1230 set Capabilities and Preferences > Button programming caused an error.

- EM: Refresh does not update EM screen for IP Trks and displays blank
While navigating various menus from Active Sets to IP trunks, refresh does not
update the EM screen for IP Trunks and is blank.

- Dialog Box doesn't close
In the Service Manager table and using the "Stop" Button or "Restart" Button,
an opened dialog box can not be closed by using the cross mark on its top-right

Software Update BCM050.R200.068-PCM Description:

- PCM screen pop-up shows incorrect CLID
The Calling Line ID which appears in PCM is not in the correct format
for Austria. Personal Call Manager was adding +371 to the CLID of the
incoming call. This update corrects that problem.

- PCM to include support for canonical form of the number in Austrian profile.
With calls originating from Austria, PCM adds a local area code to the incoming
number. When PCM compares this incoming number with its entry in the phone book,
the number will not match and the name in the phonebook is not displayed.
This update corrects that problem.
Q01640834, Q01661243

Software Update BCM050.R200.052-RCC Description:

- RCC: RCC is not able to connect to the app server to obtain data
Should a timeout occur in the data transfer between the Business Communications
Manager and Reporting for Contact Center, RCC will restart the Real Time service
automatically to prevent the Real Time screens from freezing.

- RCC: Increase Real Time Agent Detail applet size
The Reporting for Contact Center Real Time screen size has been increased
to match previous versions of Reporting for Contact Center. The maximum
number of Agents that can now be viewed on this screen at once, without
scrolling, is 14.

- CCC: CCRSAppServer config contains 'histrorical' spelling mistake
Updated any screen shots of the App Server in the SUOG displaying this spelling

- RCC: RCC still requests data with invalid time parameters (negative time)
In circumstances where the BCM date is moved backwards, negative requests can be made
i.e. the request to date is before the request start date. This should no longer happen.

- RCC: Cannot do wnload CC data from BCM since daylight saving time was changed
When the clocks move forward, Reporting for Contact Center will request 3 hours of
data; however the App Server will see the request as 4 hours. The download will
halt. This should no longer happen.

- RCC: Vista - Build 2.4.356 did not successfully install on D: Drive
When Windows Vista is installed on a non-standard C: drive partition hard coded
values break the installation. The installation will use the correct target drive now.

- RCC - Vista - Must use "Run as Administrator" option to install RCC
Reporting for Contact Center must be installed as an administrator. Windows Vista
UAC prevents user accounts from running software unless they right-click the setup
file and select "Run as Administrator". This information is now documented in
the SUOG.

- RCC - IP View not populating via VPN connection
If a laptop running an ipView Softboard, which had been configured by network name in the
wallboard configuration page within RCC, was taken to another location and reconnected via
VPN, RCC did not detect and use the new IP address associated with that network name. This
has been corrected so that the new IP address is detected by RCC, and the ipView SoftBaord
will populate as expected.

- RCC: Answered and Abandoned CLID/DNIS reports - Time column incorrect format
When generating an Answered or Abandoned CLID/DNIS report the Time to Answer
or Time to Abandon fields would display seconds not hours:minutes:seconds.

- RCC: Agent Capacity Report Grouping Instances count higher than Skillset
If a skillset containing multi-skillset agents becomes busy, then not busy, and
then busy ag ain within one second, grouping instances in the report will increase

- RCC: Vista Incoming call report printing error
When printing directly to an Incoming Call report through the print button
on the report generation page or through a Print Schedule certain report titles
fields and headings are missing.

- RCC: Vista Aero & Java 5 not compatible
The Java Runtime 5 is incompatible with Windows Vista an update to Java 6 is

- RCC: Vista Export Excel error
The increased security in Windows Vista prevents the Crystal Reports ActiveX
control from writing exported reports to the PC hard disk drive. This is
overcome by adding RCC as a trusted site. Online help and user guides had been
updated to help the user add RCC as a trusted site.

- RCC: Vista Real time screen problems with Java 6
The new release of Java 6 introduces a new behavior with regards to applets
the submit button on the Real Time screens causes high CPU by constantly
repainting itself. This is resolved by changing the repaint behavior within
the applet.

- RCC: Wallboard Alarms needs to check for positive numeric entries only
When creating Wallboard Alarms, user input is not checked for negative and
non-numerical characters.

- RCC: Document with detailed add up formulas
Added a new document entitled "Quick Reference to Report Definitions
and Formulas" that details the "Reports Explained" column definitions and formulas
in a condensed Excel spreadsheet.

- RCC: GOS in RCC is a misnomer, should be "Service Level"
Nomenclature change "GOS" to "Service Level" in both Real Time screens and all
applicable reports.
Q0 1270436-01

- RCC: RCC SUOG Summary Report Presented Call Direct and Indirect change.
Minor corrections to the formulas and definitions in the Summary report for the
"Reports Explained" and "Quick Reference" documents

- RCC: RCC checks XML against schema before processing
RCC validates the XML from the BCM against the XML schema to check if it is
properly structured. Any discrepancies found are silently logged. There
is no impact to the user for this change.

- RCC: Unable to Access Reports on BCM 4.0 RCC PC
Correction to some compatibility issues with date and time formats on a
New Zealand English based Windows operating system.

- RCC: Ambiguity of name of RCC Troubleshooting Guide link with RCC User Guide, etc
Desktop and Start Menu shortcut names have been updated to more accurately describe
the document they link to. Shortcuts to the RCC documentation can now be found in
the Start Menu as well as on the desktop.

- RCC: DB Fix Utility UI Changes
Minor cosmetic enhancements to the Automatic Database Corruption Fix Utility.

- RCC scheduled monthly reports displaying an incorrect date range for February
When printing a monthly scheduled report for February the date range would be
Jan 29 2006 to Feb 28 2006 when it should be Feb 1 2006 to Feb 28 2006.

- RCC: Call DNIS report (Answered & Abandoned)
Added a new report "Answered CLID/DNIS" that displays the CLID, DNIS and
Skillset of Answered Contact Center Calls. Modified "Abandoned Calling Line ID"
report, now titled "Abandoned CLID/DNIS" report which reports on (as well as CLID)
DNIS and Skillset.

- RCC: "Answered Call Transactions" do not match bet ween different reports
Report heading in the Call Average report is updated to say "CC Transactions"
for greater consistency with all other call reports.

- RCC: Agent Capacity Report should specify a time slot when agents busy
Modified Agent Capacity report which now shows each instance where the Skillset
reached capacity, and also a new Grouping logic that indicates when the selected
Skillset of the report reached capacity at the same time and for how long.

- DOCS: Agent on Customer site can somehow avoid calls.
A documentation update detailing how Agents can extend their break time usage
through prompted activity codes. It explains how break time in the reports can
be longer than the value set in Call Pilot Manager.

- RCC reports not available for French users
The Abandoned and Answered Calls report does not work for French or Canadian French
users. This has been corrected.

- RCC: Excel Report Export (Data Only) can not get data due to cell merge
New export to CSV functionality added to each report; once exported can be imported
into various Office applications like Excel or Access where (depending on the
author's skill level) the report can be customized or new formulas added.

- RCC: Call Audit Report - Cradle to Grave Report
New Call Audit report, also know as the "Cradle to Grave" report, displays detailed
information about a single call. Each step or "transaction" of a call is
displayed along with the Media Type (PSTN or MMCC) start date and time and
where the call is being handled at that stage e.g. waiting in the queue or answered
by an agent. It will also show details of transferred and overflow calls.

- RCC: Split out Direct and Indirect in reports
Presented calls are now broken out into Direct and Indirect stats for the Summary
report. The "Total" presented calls is still displayed.

- RCC: DOC TGS TUX build 310 Client Java Install
There is a new method of checking for the presence of the Java Runtime Environment
on a client PC before users view the Real Time screens. This ensures they have the
right dependency before they enter the real time screens. For the purposes of
troubleshooting, the Java Runtime Environment version number is also displayed.

- RCC: Real Time connection status indicators
A minor user interface update to the Green and Red connection status
indicators creating consistency across all Real Time screens.

- RCC: Admin should appear all the time not just on the main menu
A minor user interface change that maintains the link to the "Admin" section
of RCC through all pages, not just on the "Home" page for users with
Administrator privileges.

- RCC: Add a list of selected agents to Agent Audit Reports
The Agent Audit report now displays the agent names and number of agents selected
in the report, rather than displaying the Skillset selected.

- RCC: Should be able to select agent directly in the agent audit reports
A new agent selection screen allows quicker selection of Agents for the Agent Audit
report. Now an Agent can be selected directly without having to select a Skillset

- RCC: Doc links for ERC goes to callus link
The link to the Express Routing Code web page on Nortel's web site
in the RCC documentation (SUOG, Reports Explained and Troubleshooting Guide)
has been c orrected.

- RCC: System Configuration Report is missing Wallboard and User config
When generating a system configuration report the Wallboard Assignment
and User Skillset Assignment was missing, this information is now present.

Software Update BCM050.R200.035-OAM Description:

- Feature Enhancement for BRI EURO Protocol to work in both S-T and T-T user mode.

Software Update BCM050.R200.025-CALLPILOTDESKTOPMESSAGING Description:

- Problem with unified messaging/Lotus Notes 7.0
Added support for Lotus Notes 7.0 and GroupWise 7.01 which was not available in the Unified
Messaging 2.5 client.

Software Update BCM050.R200.021-CTE Description:

- LAN CTE Client does not properly support Domain/Username Configuration
Some installations of the LAN CTE Client (TAPI and/or CTE) may not provide the
full list of devices accessible to the user if that user is configured in Element Manager
as using Domain/Username.

- Device Monitoring fails with ME_ALREADY_MONITORED when it is not
In some scenarios, a TAPI or CTE application attempting to monitor a device may fail
with ME_ALREADY_MONITORED even though it has not been monitored by this application.
This can occur if another application has attempted to monitor the same device and reached
a timeout limit before a response could be given. Check with your Application provider if this
update affects you.

This update includes the content of the following superseded Smart Updates:

BCM050.R200.SU.Desktop.008-200 805

i.e. you would need to upgrade to bcm50r6 and upgrade the clients.



If you have access to a bcm50 or 450 R6 download the desktop messaging client from it and test it at your customer site.You have nothing to loose...
Good point gberger. Lets hope they don't use outlook 2010, as that will be a problem too.
Leprechan3 there is a patch to correct this win7 /outlook 2010 issue, have you received it yet?
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