anyone else having issues with POT's lines into a BCM
I have complaints from 3 customers static ,drop calls and feedback all in the past month
Rls 1 and 2 systems all up to date patched
problem is from the main unit and the exp cab.
I used the Nortel tool to test the lines on the system and they all come back with some sort of error.
But try and tell telco their lines are hot,,, SURE !!! LOL
2 of the syetms have centrex into them
Norstars never were so sensitive.
I would like to help the customers out but I'm at a loss
It's only dialtone-VZ
I have complaints from 3 customers static ,drop calls and feedback all in the past month
Rls 1 and 2 systems all up to date patched
problem is from the main unit and the exp cab.
I used the Nortel tool to test the lines on the system and they all come back with some sort of error.
But try and tell telco their lines are hot,,, SURE !!! LOL
2 of the syetms have centrex into them
Norstars never were so sensitive.
I would like to help the customers out but I'm at a loss
It's only dialtone-VZ