I am trying to change the Customer Lan IP to a static IP so the customer can monitor the BCM50. I click system, Ip subsystem, and get folders accross the top,general, nothing can be changed in this folder, LAN, I highlight the Customer LAN, and a box comes up with modify. I click modify, the dhcp box is checked, I try to uncheck it and the system goes into auto configuration. It will stay there for hours and do nothing. I power cycled the system after trying to uncheck DHCP, but it stays checked. I tried to change the IP address and gateway, hit modify and the systemtells me I will lose conection, and the changes are made. I reenter the programming and the ip address stays the same, tried power cycle after changing IP, nothing changes. The System software version: Is there something I am missing in another part of the programming? Any help is appreciated.