Recently, my partner and me buy a BCM50 to create small call center for a future client project; we already configured, all related with Lines, voice mail, call pilot, call waiting, call FW ect..
Right now, we buy the keycode for ICC and the Reporting. We has a few doubt; Firth of all, We need the CTE?. Which is the next step? Any guide than can help us?
We appreciate the help!! Thanks and advanced!! And sorry for my English!!
This are my active products
Active VM Seat 8
Active Ip Client Seat 2
Active Int Analog Trunk 4
Active Int Analog Set 2
Active Int Digital Sets 8
Active ICC Agents 6
Active ICC 1
Active ICC Skilset 1
Active ICC Reporting 1
Recently, my partner and me buy a BCM50 to create small call center for a future client project; we already configured, all related with Lines, voice mail, call pilot, call waiting, call FW ect..
Right now, we buy the keycode for ICC and the Reporting. We has a few doubt; Firth of all, We need the CTE?. Which is the next step? Any guide than can help us?
We appreciate the help!! Thanks and advanced!! And sorry for my English!!
This are my active products
Active VM Seat 8
Active Ip Client Seat 2
Active Int Analog Trunk 4
Active Int Analog Set 2
Active Int Digital Sets 8
Active ICC Agents 6
Active ICC 1
Active ICC Skilset 1
Active ICC Reporting 1